TROPJÈOLIJM Majus; var. atrosanguineum.
Dark-red Ittdian Cress.
Linnean Class and Order. O C T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. T R O P iE O L E iE . Juss. in mem. mus. 3. p. 447.
T R O P ^ O L UM. Suprk fol. 134.
T . majus, foliis subrotundis peltatis integris, petalis subaequalibus ; 3 infe-
rioribus unguiculatis orbiculatis pectinato-fimbriatis, calcare recto subulate
calyce longiori.
Tropéeolum majus. Linn. sp. p i. p . 490. Hort. ups. p . 93. Mat. med.
p . 101. M ill. diet. n . i . Curt. hot. mag. t. US. Willd. sp. p l .'l . p .I S S .
Dec. prodr. 1. p . 683. G. Don. syst. gard. and bot. 1. p . 746.
T. foliis peltatis orbiculatis. L in n . hort. clijf. p . 143.
Cardamindum ampliori folio e t majori flore. Tournef. Fenili, peruv. 3.
p . 14. i.8 .
C. majus s. Acriviola flore simplici aureo. Knorr del. t. R . 18.
Acriviola maxima odorata. Boerh. lugdb. 1. p. 244.
Viola inodora, scandens, nasturtii sapore, maximaodorata. Herrn, lugdb. 628.
f. 629.
ß. atrosanguineum, floribus atrosanguineis.
Root fibrous, annual. Stem round, procumbent, branched,
slightly angular towards the top, generally about a foot high.
Leaves on long footstalks, round, peltate, with 7 broad
even angles, peltately nerved, copiously furnished on both
sides with papillose hairs, especially the young ones, the
upper surface becoming quite smooth, varying from an inch
and a half to 3 inches in breadth; the angles truncate,
slightly emarginate, or furnished with a very short cartila-
gineous point. Footstalks imm 2 to 6 inches long, cylindrical,
smooth, flexuose, slightly attenuated towards the top. Peduncles
longer than the leaves, cylindrical, thickening downwards.
Flowers large, of a very dark red, and of a rich vel-
vetty hue. Calyx orange, somewhat bilabiate, with 5 ovate,
oblong, rather acute lobes, marked inside with several dark-
red lines, 2 lower ones narrower, and more deeply divided ;
the anterior and posterior ones over-lapping the others in
aestivation. Spur an inch long, subulate, straight, gently
widening upwards. Petals 5, nearly equal; 3 lower ones