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Painted G alar dia.
Linnean Class and Order. S Y N G E N E S I A P O L A 'G A M IA F R U S T
E A N I A .
Naturai Order. C O M P O S I T A . Adans. fa m . 2 . p . 1 0 3 .
F am . X . H E L IA N T H EÆ . Cass. T r ib . H e le n ieæ .
G A L A R D IA . Radius n e u te r , s em itr ifid u s . Rhachis to t a b r a c t e o la t a .
Achenia tu r b in a t a , v illo sa . P appi paleis 5— 7 , o b lo n g is , a r i s ta t is , in te g r is .
H e r b æ (A m e r . b o r . ) canescentes, fo liis inferioribus sinuato-dentatis,
capitulis terminalibus solitariis pedunculatis, involucro p o lyphyllo laxo
subæquali, radio ampio specioso, corollæ laciniis aristatis, bracteolis subulatis.
D . D o n M S S .
G . picta, c a n e s c e n s : c o ro llæ f a u c e in f l a tâ : la c in ii s e lo n g a t is r a d iis q u e a r i s ta t is ,
b r a c t e o li s r h a c b e o s a n g u la t is , p a p p i p a le i s a b r u p t è a r i s ta t is .
Root perennial. Stem about 2 feet high, cylindrical,
marked with several longitudinal striae, of a paler colour,
pliant and flexuose, scarcely thicker than a crow-quill,
clothed like the leaves with short recumbent hairs. Leaves
pointed, rather rough, minutely dotted, pale green, with a
prominent midrib, the lower ones oblong-spathulate, sinuately
toothed, attenuated towards the base, a span long;
upper ones shorter, strap-shaped, entire, suddenly contracted
at the base, but scarcely stalked. Capitula terminal, solitary,
stalked. Peduncles filiform, striated, rough, slightly hoary
towards the top. Lnvolucruni composed of a quadruple series
of lanceolate, acuminate, bristle-pointed, hoary, spreading
leaflets, ultimately becoming reflexed ; the outer ones longer.
Rays neuter, about 13 in number, broadly wedge-shaped,
3-lobed, of a deep carmine, with a bright yellow border, the
lobes abruptly bristle-pointed, glabrous above, hairy beneath,
about half an inch long, spreading, and overlapping each
other; tube very short, slightly compressed, hairy, pale-
green ; nerves 7, the lateral ones branched, that occupying
the axis of each lobe straight and simple, but all becoming
confluent at the top. Florets o f the disk hermaphrodite, the
tube veiy short, narrow, glabrous, cylindrical; faux tubular-
canipanulate, inflated, four times longer than the tube,
copiously clothed with papillose hairs, before yellowish green,
afterwards becoming dark purple ; the segments awl-shaped,