inonadelphous, five shorter and stouter with oblong anthers.
Style filiform, glabrous, attenuated towards the top. Stigma
a small fringed disk. Pod silky, with four or five small,
white, smooth seeds.
A native of mountain valleys on the Columbia River,
where it was discovered by Mr. Douglas, and introduced by
him to the Carden of the Horticultural Society in 1827.
The plant is now not uncommon in collections, as it produces
its seeds in abundance, and is found to be one of the
hardiest of the whole genus. It varies a good deal in the
colour of the flowers, the pale purple variety represented in
our plate appearing to be the most common.
A hardy perennial, flowering from May till the commencement
of Winter, and appearing to delight in a sandy
soil. Drawn at Mr. Knight’s Nursery, King’s Road, Chelsea.
1. Calyx. 2 . K ee l. 3. Stamens. 4. Pistil. 5. P od .