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CALCEOLÀRIA purpùrea; var. pietà.
Painted Slipperivort.
Linnean Class and Order. M A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. S C R O P H U L A R IN .® . Brown prodr. 1. p. 433.
Trib. 5. C a l c e o l a r i e * .
C A L C E O L A R IA . Suprà fol. 220.
C. purpurea, herbácea ; foliis radicalibus cuneato-oblongis dentato-serratis
rugosis sc abris; caulinis superioribus cordatis integerrimis, paniculá
corymbosâ diffusâ, corollæ labio inferiore orbiculato repando. Nobis
su p rà fo l. 109.
Calceolaria purpurea. Graham in bot. mag. t. 2775. L in d l. in bot. reg.
t. 1621.
y. picta, floribus niveis purpureo-fasciatis.
Plant herbaceous, perennial. Stems rather slender, upright,
branched, cylindrical, copiously clothed with glandular
pubescence, viscid, green, from a span to a foot high.
Leaves, the radical ones cuneate-oblong, or lanceolate, acute,
coarsely and unequally serrated, of a brighter green than in
var. a, pubescent on both sides, wrinkled and rough aboye
with coarser hairs, varicose beneath, narrowed and entire
from the middle downwards ; those of the stem ovate, acuminate,
spreading, toothed at the apex, attenuated at the
base, but scarcely stalked ; the upper ones and bractes embracing
the stem, cordate, acuminate, entire, frequently
i-eflexed. Panicle corymbose, ample, spreading. Peduncles
divaricately spreading, variously forked. Pedicels slender,
capillary, pubescent, glandular, varnished, about half an
inch long. Calyx 4-partite, copiously clothed with glandular
pubescence ; the segments ovate, rather obtuse. Corolla
white, with a very short tu b e ; upper lip prominent,
somewhat globular, helmet-shaped; the lower one 3 or 4
times larger, orbicular, compressed, marked above with
several depressed lines, and a broad purple band, the edge
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