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Captain Mangles s Rhodanthe.
N a tu ra l Order. COMPOSITÆ. Adans. fam . 2 .p . 103. Trib. G n a ph a -
LiEÆ. Less. comp. p . 269.
R H O D A N T H E . Involucrum müitipiici ordine poiyphyiium, imbricatura, scario-
sum, coioratum, radiatum. Rhachis conica, glabra. Floseuli disci hermaphroditi,
tubulosi, 5-dentati ; fceminei uniseriales in ambitu, infundlbu-
liformes, 5-dentati. Filamenta glabra. Antheræ basi bisetæ. S ty li rami
brevissime appendiculati. Achenia compresso-tetragona, sericeo-villosa.
Pappi radiis uniserialibus, plumosis, infernè liberis.
Herba (australasica) annua. Folia alterna, sessilia, integerrima. Capitula
terminalia,pedunculata. Involucrum turbinatum, rubicundum. D. Don
R. Manglesii.
Rhodanthe Manglesli. Lindi, in bot. reg. t. 1703.
Root fibrous, annual. Stem slender, filiform, wiry, glabrous and
shilling, from a span to a foot high, with wavy branches, pale green,
slightly stained with purple. Leaves sessile, elliptical-oblong,
mucronulate, entire, glabrous, glaucous, an inch long, veinless, finely
dotted, the base adnate or decurrent. Capitula drooping, on slender
capillary footstalks of 2 or 3 inches in length, which are furnished
at the apex with many, adpressed, short, scariose scales. Lnvolucrum
turhinate, radiate ; scales imbricated, cuneate, green, the appendages
ovate-lanceolate, plaited, scariose, coloured, glossy, torn at the apex,
outer ones white, inner ones of a bright pink, and double the length
of the florets. Rhachis depressed, conical, glabrous, dotted, even.
Florets yellow, the tuhe pale green, the female ones disposed in a
single series in the circumference, funnel-shaped, 5-cleft, with lanceolate
acute segments, those of the disk numerous, hermaphrodite,
tubular, with an inflated 5-tooth limb, the teeth ovate acute, the tuhe
filiform, longer than the faux. Filaments capillary, glabrous.
Anthers united into a tube, furnished with two short bristles at the
base, and a t the apex with a very short ovate acute membranous
appendage. Style slender, filiform, glabrous, the branches semicylindrical,
revolute, terminated by a very short, dilated, truncate.