li \
C L EM A T IS montana.
Mountain Virgin’s Bower.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P O L Y G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. R A N U N C U L A C E A i. Juss. gen. p . 231.
C L E M A T I S . S u p rà fol. 217.
C. montana, pedunculis unifloris aggregatis ebracteatis, foliis ternato-par-
titis : segmentis ovato-oblongis acuminatis iiiciso-dentatis, sepalis
elliptico-oblongis mucronalatis patulis.
Clematis montana. Ham. Mss. Decand. syst. 1. p . 164. prodr. 1. p . 9.
Wall. p i. asiat. rar. 3. p . 12. t. 217. Royle illustr. himal. bot. p . 51.
C. anemoniflora. D . Don p ro d r .J l.n e p a l.p .192. G. Don syst. gui-d. and
bot. 1. p . 9.
This is a large, branching, climbing shrub, with a thick
deciduous ash-coloured bark. The younger parts in the
native specimens are clothed with soft white hairs, but in
the cultivated plant they are nearly glabrous. Branches filiform,
striated, occasionally tinged with purple. Leaves tufted,
stalked, alternately parted, with ovate-oblong, acuminate,
recurved, deeply toothed, pale-green, veiny, concave segments,
paler and shining below, the base entire and scarcely
attenuated. Footstalks an inch long, nearly cylindrical, furrowed
above with a narrow line. Flowers copious, about the
size and form of those of Anemone sylvestris. Peduncles
solitary, erect, one-flowered, filiform, about 3 inches long,
destitute of bractes. Sepals 4, elliptical-oblong, spreading,
mucronulate, and sometimes slightly crenulate at the apex,
an inch in length, pure white, with prominent veins, faintly
stained with pink outside at the base. Filaments numerous,
equal, nearly cylindrical, white. Anthers linear, obtuse,
shorter than the filaments, pale yellow. Pistils approximate
in a cylindrical column. Ovaries exteriorly ventricose, glabrous,
shining, reddish brown. Styles clothed with long,
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