MANÉTTIA glabra.
Smooth Manettia.
Linnean Class and Order. T E T R A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N aturai Order. R I JB IA C E iE . Juss. gen. p. 196.
M A N E T T IA . Calyx turbinatus, limbo 4-partit«s, lobis minoribus
srepè interjectis. Corolla infundibuliformis, fauce tubove intùs barbata,
limbo 4-loba, mstivatione valvatà. Stamina 4, fauci inserta, subsessiles.
Capsula compressa, bilocularis, omninò septicido-dehiscens, calycis limbo
coronata. Placentce 2, filiformes, erect®, basi septo insert®, undique liber®.
Semina compressa, p e lta ta , margine membranacea. Albumen carnosum.
Embryo erectus. Cotyledones lanceolat®, foliace®.
Plan t® (Amer. A u s tr.) graciles, volubiles, radice perenni. Eolia petiolata,
dilatata. Stipul® breves, integrce, cum petiolo scepiùs connatce. P e dunculi
M. glabra, glabra ; foliis ovatis cordatisve acuminatis, pedunculis unifloris,
laciniis calycinis ovato-lanceolatis acutis denticulis interjectis, coroll®
tubo elongato tetragono.
M. glabra. Clmm. et Schlecht. in linnced, 1829, p . 169. Decand. prodr. 4.
p . 363.
Manettia cordifolia. Hooker in bot. mag. t. 3202.
Stems filiform, twining, branched, pliant, rather woody,
smooth, covered with minute dots when seen under the microscope,
rising to the height of a yard, or more. Leaves opposite,
stalked, ovate, acuminate, entire, rounded at the base,
smooth and shining, cartilaginous, slightly waved, of a deep
green above, paler and ribbed beneath, from 2 to 3 inches long,
the ribs incurved and prominent, upper ones cordate. Footstalks
from 4 to 8 lines long, semi-cylindrical, channelled
above. Stipules 2, small, united into a narrow ring, the apex
prominent, acuminate, denticulate. Flowers axillary and
terminal, solitary. PejMWcto filiform, smooth, rather thicken-
.ed at the apex, an inch or 2 inches long, the axillary ones are
furnished with 2 bractes, and are to be regarded, in fact, as
imperfectly developed branches, and the flowers, consequently,
terminal. Calyx with a turbinate, compressed tube,
longer than the limb, which is divided into 4, or rarely 5
ovate-lanceolate, acute, spreading lobes, with one or more
minute teeth interposed between them. Corolla ot a brilliant
scarlet, afterwards changing to lake, funnel-shaped, 4
or rarely 5-sided, an inch and a half long, the limb of a
richer colour, divided into 4, or rarely 5, ovate, acute, connivent
lobes, with a valvate eestivatiou ; tube on the inside
a little above the base, which is filled with honey, furnished
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