SCHlZANTHUS retùsus.
Blunt-lip-ped Schizanlhus.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S O L A N E jE !
S C H lZ A N T H U S . Calyx 5-partitus, subsequalis. Corolla limbo 4-
partita, lobata, irregularis, amorpha, sestivatione plicatà : tubo angusto,
abbreviato. Stamina 4 ; 2 superiora sterilia, filamentis omninò adnatis.
Antherw basi insertse, biloculares : loculis apice confluentibus. Ovarium
bilooulare disco carnoso Isevi impositum. Stigma compressum, obtusum,
lobis connatis. Ca/rsitfo bilocularis, polysperma : bitìdis. Dissepimentum
parallelum. Placentce 2, fungosse. Semina simplici gyro coch-
leata : testé crustaceà, tuberculatà : albumen carnosum. Embryo arcuatus :
radiculà cylindraceà, obtusà, cotyledonibus duplò longiori.
Herbse (Chilenses) annuce, glandulosce. Folia bipinnatifida. Flores
sub-racemosi, colore variegati.
Obs. Genus Solaneis certè admumerandum, et nullo modo cum Calceo-
larià associatum, ut plerique perhibent botanici. Salpiglossidi, u t videtur,
confine capsulae et seminis fabricà, embryone arcuato, pubescentià glandu-
losà capitatà, flore subsimiliter colorato et variegato. JD. Don Mss.
S. retusus, pedunculis fructiferis strictis,coroll® tubo calyce longiori; labii
inferioris laciniis lateralibus intermedia sagittatà brevioribus ; supremà
rhombeo-oblongà retusà.
Schizanthus retusus. Hook, in hot. mag. t. 3045. L in d i, in bot. reg. 1.1544.
JMartdd i Ì3y
The whole herb of a lively green, somewhat glossy, and more i ,
clothed with glandular hairs, ifoof fibrous, annual. Sicm upright, branche ,
from 3 to 4 feet high, rarely exceeding the thickness of a goose quill.
Branches erect, and rather converging. Leaves stalked, deeply and interruptedly
pinnatifid, almost pinnate, from 3 to 7 inches long, and much like
those of the common tansy ; the segments are lanceolate, rather b ln n t; the
primary ones inciso-pinnatifid, with an oblique, a ttenuated, almost stipitate
base ; but when they are entirely sessile they are furnished w ith one or two
leafy appendages; secondary, or alternate ones shorter, lanceolate, and
quite entire ; the terminal one pinnatifid, with entire segments. Itachis
narrow, convex below, flat, and channelled above. Footstalk with a broad,
concave, adpressed base. Flowers large and showy, disposed in loose racemes,
terminating the branches. Peduncles upright, filiform, an inch long,
thickened a t the top, and together with the calyx thickly clothed with
white spreading hairs, crowned by a dark spherical gland. Bractes mostly
in pairs, small, unequal, rounded-ovate, entire. Calyx deeply parted into
5, strap-shaped, blunt, erect, connivent, nearly equal segments; the 2
innermost ones rather smaller. Corolla irregular, slightly clothed with
glandular h a irs ; the tube cylindrical, longer than the calyx, and of a pale
v io le t; limb spreading, deeply parted into 4 segments ; the lateral ones
broad and flat, of a rich uniform purple lake, doubly two-lobed, the lobes
very blunt, unequal and divaricated, lower lip tripa rtite, of a deep reddish
p u rp le ; the lateral segments linear, obtuse, straight, shorter than the inter-
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