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BRUGMÀNSIA sanguinea.
Dark-red Brugmansia.
Linnean Class and Order. PEN TA N D R IA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. SOLA NEÆ . Brown prodr. \. p. 4A3.
b r u g m a n s i a . Calyx tubulosus, ventncosus, 5-angulatus, persistens, apice
coarctato 2-3-lobo. Corolla infuiidibuliformis, 5-plicata, 5-loba : lobis
cuspidatis. Stamina 5, inclusa, coarctata. Antheræ conglutinatæ. Stigma
crassum, bilobura, margine revolutum. Capsula 2-locularis, lævis, polysperma.
Semina reniformia.
Arbores (Peruviani) fo liis petiolatis indivisis, fo r ib u s alaribus pedunculatis
maximis albis v. sanguineis, fru c tih u s ovalibus pendulis aureis. Genus
omninò, ut videtur, naturale inter Daturam et Solandram locum tenens.
D . Don. MSS.
1. B. sanguinea, foliis sinuato-lobatis subtomentosis.
Brugmansia bicolor. Persoon syn. \ . p . 216. Roem. et st. 4 p . 307.
Datura sanguinea. R u iz et Pavon f . peruv. et chil. 2. p. 15. Ku n th in
Humb. et Bonpl. nov. gen. et sp. p i. 3. p. 6.
Stem arboreous, rising to the height of from 3 to 12 feet,
round, divided at the top, and clothed with an ash-coloured
bark. Branches short and leafy, thickly clothed with white-
spreading hairs. Leaves alternate, often geminate, ovate-
oblong, obtuse, waved and sinuated, with short blunt lobes,
copiously clothed on both sides with soft white hairs, above of
a dark green, paler beneath, reticulated and rather wrinkled
with prominent veins, and furnished with a stout rounded
midrib, with lateral branches from 2 to 9 inches long, and
from 1 to 5 broad, the base rounded and often unequal; the
uppermost entire, but slightly waved. Petioles stout, froni an
inch to 3 inches long, nearly cylindrical, copiously hairy,
slightly flattened above. Flowers solitary, pendulous, issuing
from the forks of the branches. Peduncles an inch long, and
as thick as a writing quill, cylindrical, copiously clothed with
white hairs. Calyx large, ventricose, 5-angled, 5-ribbed,
with prominent veins, copiously pubescent, rather contracted
at the top, about 3 inches long, the limb cloven with concave
lobes. Corolla funnel-shaped, 7 inches long, pubescent,
with 15 straight prominent rib s; tube thick and fleshy, with
5 blunt angles, orange yellow, green towards the base; faux
inflated, wrinkled and pitted exteriorly ; limb 5-lobed, of a
deep orange-scarlet, with the lobes cuspidate and spreading,
each being furnished with 3 ribs, the two lateral of