¿ o Ci.
COLLÒMIA lateritia.
Red-Jlowet'ed Collomia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. P O L E M O N IA C E iE . Vent. tabi. 2. p. 398.
CO L LOM IA . Calyx b~iidns. GoroWahypocrateriforrais, limbo 5-par-
tita. Stamina coroll® tubo inserta. Ovarium 3-loculare : ovulis solitariis.
Capsula 3-locularis, 3-valvis : loculis monospermis. Semina angulata.
Herb® (American®) annnce, glanduloso-pubescentes. Eolia sjjotso, in divisa.
Flores terminales, congesti, bracteati, rubli.
C. lateritia, laciniis calycinis lanceolatis acuminatis, coroll® tubo calyce
vix longiori, staminibus inclusis.
Root annual, fibrous. Stem about a span high, erect,
branched or simple, cylindrical, clothed like the other parts
of the plant with glandular, clammy pubescence. Leaves alternate,
sessile, lanceolate, acuminate, entire, or deeply and
sharply toothed, especially the lower ones. Flowers crowded
at the extremities of the branches, fasciculate. Bractes linear-
lanceolate, acuminate. Calyx cleft to the middle into 5 lanceolate,
acuminate, connivent, and nearly equal segments ;
the tube turbinate and pentagonal. Tube of the corolla narrow,
5-sided, yellow, scarcely equalling the calyx in length, co-
piosely clothed with glandular pubescence, rather widened
at both extremities. Limb spreading, 5-partite, segments,
oblong-elliptical, obtuse, beneath of a pale salmon colour,
above of a deep vermilion tint, traversed by several straight,
and almost simple, nearly parallel nerves. Stamens 5, included
within the tube of the corolla, unequal. Filaments
very short, awl-shaped, smooth. Anthers reniform, bilocular,
of a cream colour, opening lengthways ; the cells slightly
divergent at the base. Ovarium rounded, 3-celled, with solitary
ovula. Style capillary, smooth, attenuated at the base.
Stigmas 3, linear, obtuse, rather thick, copiously covered with
minute papillae. Capsule 3-celled, valves cartilaginous, proc