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PAIÒNIA Moùtan ; var. variegata.
Party-coloured Tree Pceony.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Naturai Order. R A N U N C U L A C E .® . Juss. g e n .p .2 3 \.
P M O N I A . Calyx 5-sepalus foliaceus in®qualis. Petala 5-10 sub-
orbiculata. Stamina indefinita. Discus carnosus ovaria cingena. Car-
pella 2-5 grossa stigmatibus bilamellatis crassis instructa, in tblliculos capsulares
conversa. Semina subglobosa, nitida.
Radices/ascíCítfaía;. Eolia caulina biternatim secta. Flores ampli albi
ant purpurascentes. Decand. prodr. 1. p. 65.
P . Moutan, caule fruticoso, foliolis summo apice trifidls, germinibus to-
mentosis urceolo membranaceo inclusis. Anderson in linn. trans. 12.
p . 252.
P e o n ia Moutan. Hort. kew. ed. I I . v. 3. p . 315. Sims tn bot. mag. 1 .1154.
Smith in Itees’ cyclop, in loco. Bonpl. nav. p . 1. i. 1. Decand. syst. 1.
p. 387. prodr. 1. p. 65.
P . ofiicinalis. Thiinb. f l .ja p . p . 230. (ex parte).
S. variegata, floribus lÒ-petalis patulis, petalis albo-roseis basi intense lila-
cinis, caule vix sesquipedali.
This is a low growing bushy plant, branching from the
ground, and scarcely woody. The stems, although they
rarely exceed afoot or 18 inches in height, bear commonly
not less than five fiowers. Leaves triternately parted, with
ovate-oblong acuminate segments, of a greener hue than is
met with in the other varieties of this species ; the terminal
ones mostly 3-lobed. Plowers large and showy, of seldom
more than 10 petals, and when fully expanded about 6
inches across. Petals broadly wedge-shaped, veiny and
lobed at the upper edge, the ground white, stained of a deep
rose colour in various parts, the base marked with numerous
radiating streaks of violet and purple. Stamens numerous,
apparently fertile. Pilaments purple. Anthers yellow.
Pistils dark red.
The Earl of Mountnorris, whose successful culture of the
tree Pseony, has been rewarded by the production of several
splendid varieties far excelling any of those imported from
China, was so fortunate also as to raise the present line variety,
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