CLEMATIS campaniflòra.
Bell-flowered Virgin's Bower.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R T A T>riT v r< v a t t »
P é t e la n u lla . C a rp c lte prurfmt'*’atel'''*’ “•“ I '" ; ! “®.’ te e lte te io n e v a la a tä .
ealyeiforme. ^naimsa. Involucrum quandoque adest
acutis margine apiceque revolutis. ovato-oblongis
Clematis campaniflòra. B ro t. fl. tusit 2 « l 'io n „ j
P^rodr. 1. p. 9. Lodd. bot. eab. t. 987. ß : Bongen. Z lg a r f. L d l ^ l :
ir rp i with filiform, slightly angular
green, pubescent, stems, rising to the height of six fL t or
more. Leaves biternately pinnate. Leaflets ovate, or ovate-
oblong, mucronulate, entire, or occasionally with 2 or 3 lobes
smooth and shining on both sides, dotted beneath from half
an inch to an inch long, fringed at the m a ^ rw d h sh o i
ilmost fiirfo?™nuh P^l^almost falifoim pubescent, channelled albeo avne^. raFel/otiwse nrsa rcroomw,
paratively small, solitary, campanulate, fragrant, whhe wkh
occasionally a slight shade of purple. Peduncles filiform
pubescent, an inch or an inch and a half long. Sepals A ovate’
llooin gr ,S w:iittTh tthre? ded ges thinner and foltdneodre b adciakn, ^thhael fa ;pne xin rcah
her acute and revolute. Filaments iinear-cuneate, compress
ed, pale green occasionally furnished with a few hairs A«-
th y s longer than the filaments, obtuse, the cells na r row
white, attached to the edge of a broad green connectivum
Ovaria ovate, compressed, and together with the long awl-
' OL. Ill, jj. ®