HABRAn THUS miniatus.
Red Habranthus.
U n y a n Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
H . mmiatus, umbellà pluriflorà, perianthio campanulato : tubo limbo ter
b rev io ri. fauce barbatà, scapo l®vissimo foliis vix altiori.
y r j : - -
-Bm/6 ovate covered with a dark-brown membranous coat.
bcape about a foot high, erect, hollow, compressed, with blunt
edges, very smooth and even, glaucous, rather thicker than
L i l T T u , linear, channelled, glaucous, quite
mooth, convex and blunt underneath, with a flat rounded
S the scape in length. Umbel composed
of from 2 to 5 flowers, but more frequently of 3. Spathe
ra her longer than the peduncles, composed of 2 linear channelled,
scariously membranous valves. Peduncles slio-htlv
compressed, smooth, an inch and a half long, intermingled
with small, narrow, bristle-pomted, membranous bractes.
erianthium smaller than in H. roseus, of a red colour, cam-
® 6-parted, spreading, thrice longer than the
versely conical, green tube ; throat contracted, and closed
""."^hite filamentose fringe; segments lanceolate,
ect, underneath paler and of a greenish cast, marked above
with deeper coloured lines ; the 3 outer ones terminated bv
a green point, which is papillose at the base; the inner ones
blunt and pointless Stamens 6, declinate, of 2 lengths only ;
the 3 outer ones a little shorter. Filaments filifor£ smooth
ot a pale rose-colour, white at their base. Anthers linear in-
Ovarium 3-celled, with numer’ous,
r Z ovules, arranged apparently in a single
row. Style nearly cylindrical, longer and stouter than the
yOL» III, 17
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