h? i n
MÍMULUS roseus.
Pink Monkey-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. S C R O P H U L A R IN A : . B rown p ro d r .1. p . <iss.
M IM U L U S . Calyx prismaticus, ö-dentatus. Corolla personata, labio
superiore bilobo, lateribus reflexis, inferiore trifido, laciniis sub®qualibus.
Stamina didynama. Antherarum lobis divaricatis. Stigma biiamellatum.
Capsula inclusa, bilocularis, bivalvis, valvis integris, medio septiferis.
Herb® oppositifolice. Ped u n cu li axillares, ebracteati. Brown 1. c.
p. 439.
M. roseus, glanduloso-pubescens ; foliis elliptico-oblongis acutis subinte-
gerrimis, pedunculis calyce brevioribus, dcntibus calycinis acuminatis
sub®qualibus, coroll® lobis emarginatis.
Mimulus roseus. Douglas AIss. Lindi, in bot. reg. 1 .1591.
The whole herh copiously clothed with glandular hairs,
very soft and slimy to the touch, exhaling a strong odour
of musk. Stem a span to a foot high, jointed, round, with 2,
opposite, rather prominent ridges. Leaves sessile, ovate-oh-
long, acute, occasionally furnished with a few, minute teeth,
from an inch to 2 inches long, very soft, and marked underneath,
with 5 rather prominent rihs. Flowers axillary, solitary.'
Pet/wwcfci cylindrical, half an inch long. Ca/yx rather
longer than the peduncles, with 5, elevated angles, and 5,
ovate, acuminate, conduplicate, equal, slightly recurved
teeth. Corolla ringent, ahout twice as long as the calyx, the
tube yellow, throat ventricose, pale, almost white, marked
with purple spots, and 2, elevated, yellow, hearded folds;
the lobes oblong, rounded, notched, spreading, of a deeo
rose-colour; the upper ones folded back; lower ones rather
cuneiform, broader. Stamens 4, inclosed, nearly equal. Filaments
subulate, smooth, white, half an inch long. Anthers
pale yellow, of 2 divaricately spreading lobes, confluent at
the top, and covered with bristly papillae. Ovarium oblono-,
rather compre.ssed, bilocular, smooth. Style white, coi7
'Í£¿' ‘Tul-t/tf 3 Iß^ SÍc€od¿¿útL- Vc£/■ -33 .