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CALCEOLARIA arachnoidea ; var.
Refulgent Slipperwort.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
C alc eo la rie* .
C A L C E O L A R IA . Supra fol. 220.
C. araehnoidea, uiveo-lanata ; foliis oblongo-spathuiatis dentatis integerri-
misve, floribus cymosis, coroll® labio inferiore orbiculato inflato, ovario
styloqiie glabris.
Calceolaria arachnoidea. Graham in edinb. phiL jo um . 1828 p. 572. in
bot. mag. t. 2874. Lin dL in bot. reg. 1.1454.
refulgens, parciùs lanuginosa; foliis ovatis duplicato-serratis, floribus
The whole plant sparingly clothed with soft, intricate
woolly hairs. Root perennial, fibrous. Stem from a span to
a foot high, erect, doubly-forked, round, hollow, purple
Bramhes spreading, filiform. Leaves, the radical ones ovate,
doubly and coarsely serrated, on winged footstalks, ribbed
imderneath, and wrinkled above, 3 inches long, and 2 broad
mowers cymose, of a bright rufous red. Pedicels slender, filiform
woolly, like the calyx; the segments of the latter
broadly ovate, acute. Corolla, the upper lip very short, convex,
entire ; lower one large, inflated, nearly round, entire.
Symens 2. Anthers pale yellow. Ovarium conical, rather
shorter than the style, both quite smooth. Stigma truncate
pruinose. ’
This showy production was raised by Mr. Gillen, Gardener
to Mr. MTntosh, at the East India Docks, by cross
impregnation with two of the numerous varieties, originated
between C. arachnoidea, and corymbosa. Mr, Gillen sent us
specimens of several others equally beautiful, which had been
raised by him in the same way. A light rich earth suits