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ABUTILON pulchellum.
Fragrant Abutilón.
Linnean Class and Order. M O N A D E L PH IA POLYANDRIA.
N a tu ra l Order. MALVACEÆ. Juss. g e n .p . 21
A B U T IL O N . Calyx ebracteatus, 5-fidus. S ty h apice soluti. Carpella
5—30, polysperma, sæpë vesicaria.
Plaiitæ plerumque fruticosæ, fo liis p etiolatis indivisis, fioribus terminalibus
* Carpellis 5— 8.
A. pulchellum., stellato-pubescens, fruticosum ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis cordatis
grossè crenatis, racemis axillaribus, stylis solutis, carpellis 5 dispermis.
Abutilon pulcliellum. O. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot. 1. p . 501.
Sida pulchella. Bonpl. nav. t. 2. (bona.) Willd. enum. p. 724. Decand.
prodr. I. p. 468. Hooker in bot. mag. t. 2753.
An upright, branching shrub, rising to the height of 6 or 8
feet, covered with a dark olive-coloured bark. Branches round,
twiggy, tough and flexible ; the younger ones and leaves
sparingly clothed with starry pubescence. Leaves stalked,
deciduous, cordate-oblong, rather attenuated towards the
apex, hut not pointed, the border cut with broad, rounded,
rather unequal crenatures, dark green and shining above,
paler and veiny beneath, about an inch and a half long ; the
posterior lobes rounded and rather connivent. Footstalks
about an inch long, semicylindrical, equal. Stipules small,
lanceolate, acute, persistent. Racemes axillary, solitary,
erect, shorter than the leaves. Flowers from 10 to 15, very
small, fvhite, fragrant like those of the hawthorn. Pedicels
very short, cylindrical, glabrous, thickened at the top, and
furnished at the base with a small, ovate, pointed, memhranous,
caducous bracte. Calyx campanulate, membranous,
naked, with 5 ovate pointed teeth. Petals 5, oblong, blunt,
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