VICIA polysperma.
Many-seeded Vetch.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L PH IA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. L EG UM IN O S/E . Juss. gen. p . 345.
V IC IA . CaZi/a; 5-dentatus, dentibus 2 superioribus brevioribus. CoroZZa papilionacea.
Stamina diadelpha. S ty lu s filiformis. Stigma sub apice undique
barbatum. Legumen oblongum, 1 -Inculare, polyspermum. Semina,
hilo ovali V. lineari, laterali, raro terminali.
Herb® (hemisph. boreal.) plerumque scandentes. Eolia pinnata, cirrhosa.
Stipulae scepè sagittatcc. Pedunculi axillares elongati v. breves uniflori.
V. polysperma, foliolis multijugis elliptico-oblongis, mucronatis, stipulis lunatls
argutè dentatis, pedunculis multifloris angulatis, stigmate penicillato, leguminibus
lineari-lanceolatis compressis glabris, seminibus globosis.
Vicla polysperma. Ten. f i . neap, prodr. append. 5. p . ‘Z 2 .fi. nap. t. 175.
sy ll. p neap. p .3 6 \ .
The whole herb glabrous, and of a grass green. Root
perennial. Stems many, scandent, rising to the height
of 3 or 6 feet, 4-angular, furrowed, the joints occasionally
stained with dark red. Leaflets of about 8 pair,
alternate, elliptical-oblong, with a short, abrupt, bristly
point. Tendrils composed of 5 long, filiform, re volute, hooked
and pointed segments. Stipules lunate, with sharp spinous
teeth. Peduncles angular, glabrous, about as long as the
leaf. Racemes loose, of about twelve flowers. Pedicels scattered.
Calyx tubular, smooth, green, sometimes stained
with purple, the 3 lower teeth linear-lanceolate, acuminate,
straight, slightly ciliated ; 2 upper ones ovate, mucronate,
very short, connivent, glabrous. Vexillum pale purple,
marked with deeper coloured veins, obcordate-oblong, with
the sides folded back. Keel and Wings nearly white, the
former shorter, ventricose, blunt, cloven, and marked with
dark blue at the top, traversed by conspicuous veins; the