G ÍL IA tricolor.
Three-coloured Gilia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
Natural Order. P O L E M O N IA C E A :. D . Don m edinb. p h il.jo u rn .
1822. p. 56.
G IL IA . Suprà fol. 218.
G. tricolor, foliis b ipinnato-partitis : segmentis subulatis, floribus corymboso-
paniculatis, corollà calyce duplò longiore : lacmiis apiculatis, antheris
cordatis muticis. , . . , ,
Gilia tricolor. B m th am in bot. reg. fo l. 1622. ad calcem. et in trans. hort.
soc. n. s. 1. 1 .1 8 . / . 8. L in d l. in bot. reg. t. 1704.
|3. Floribus albicautibus.
Stem much branched, from 3 to six inches high, copiously
furnished, like the rest of the plant, with short glandular
hairs. Leaves scattered, about an inch long, tapinnately
divided, with awl-shaped pointed segments. Llowey arranged
in a loose corymbose panicle. Filaments cylindrical,
copiously glandular. Calyx tubular, with ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate: spreading teeth, the sinuses white and scariose.
Corolla funnel-shaped, twice the length of the calyx ; tube
yellow, with a pale, almost white, expanded base; throat
somewhat campanulate, of a deep purple; limb concave, wth
a white ground, shaded more or less with blue, the lobes
broad, rounded, cuneiform, mucronulate, traversed by numerous
parallel branched nerves. Stamens 5, inserted just below
the sinuses of the limb ; free part of the filaments slender,
awl-shaped, glabrous, nearly white. Anthers cordate, blunt,
erect, blue. Ovarium oblong, 3-sided, 3-celled. Ovules numerous,
angular. Style filiform, slender. StigmaXa 3, semicylindrical,
obtuse, recurved, copiously papibose along
their inner surface.
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