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Purple Lophospermum.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
N a tu ra l Order. S C R 0 P H U L A R 1 N A 5 . B rown prodr. 1. p. 433.
T rib. 2. A n t i r k h i n e * . D . B o n in linn, trans. 16. p . 361. Chavann.
monogr. p. 73.
L O P H O S P E R M U M . Suprà fol. 68.
L. Rhodochiton, foliis cordatis acuminatis grosse dentato-serratis, calycibus
semi-5-fidis coloratis, corollâ tubulosâ, filamentis simplicibus.
Rhodochiton volubile. Zuccarini.
A climbing, suffrutescent plant, clothed with straight
white jointed shining hairs, terminated by a small gland.
Stems filiform, slender, branched ; the younger branches
dark purple. Leaves alternate, distant, stalked, cordate, acu-
mirate, lobed and serrated with broad unequal mucronate
teeth, 5-nerved, soft and rather slimy to the touch, purple
beneath, about three inches long, and nearly the same in
breadth, the older ones becoming somewhat fleshy, and
almost glabrous; posterior lobes rounded, toothed, connivent,
and occasionally overlapping each other. Footstalks from 2
to 3 inches long, filiform, purple, marked above with a
shallow furrow, often spirally twisted. Flowers axillary,
solitary, pendulous. Peduncles slender, filiform, pale purple,
from 3 to 5 inches long, frequently twisted spirally, finally
becoming, together with the calyx, glabrous and shining.
Calyx large, campanulate, widely spreading, membranous,
pale purple, divided to the middle into 5, ovate, pointed
lobes. Corolla funnel-shaped, of an intense purple, an inch
and a-half long, clothed with white glandular hairs; tube
5-sided, clothed internally with reversed bristly hairs; faux
cylindrical, scarcely ventricose; limb 5-lobed, lobes oval,
connivent, plain and entire at the margin, rounded at the