Bristle-pointed Nierembergia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. S O L A N EÆ . Brown p rodr, \ . p . 443,
N I E R E M B E R G I A . S u p rà fol. 172.
* Corollæ tubo filifo rm i, fa u c e eoaretatâ, staminibus erectis subæg-
ualibus summo tubo insertis, stigmate complanato. Nierember-
giæ propriæ.
N . aristata, glabriuscula ; foliis linearibus acuminatis, calyce subulato aristato
corollæ tubo breviore, stigmate peltato !
The whole plant sparingly clothed with minute pubescence,
of a pale green. Stems slender, filiform, wiry, glossy,
from 3 to 9 inches high, much branched, and spreading.
Leaves narrow, linear, bristle-pointed, recurved, channelled
above, from 1 to 2 inches long; the lower ones spathulate,
mucronulate, flat, shorter. Flowers the largest of this
section, placed singly opposite the leaves, and arranged in
the form of a raceme. Peduncles filiform, half an inch long.
Calyx tubular, turbinate, 10-ribbed, the interstices membranous
; segments linear-subulate, acuminate, bristle-pointed,
recurved, harsh and rigid to the touch, shorter than the
tube of the corolla. Corolla white, suff’used with purple,
with the mouth of a deeper colour, exteriorly glandular; tube
filiform, rather exceeding an inch in length; limb spreading,
5-lobed, plaited, concave, an inch and a half in diameter;
lobes rounded, slightly crenulate at the margin, the
lower one larger. Stamens 5, about equal, inserted in the
mouth of the tube, approximate around the stigma. Filaments
linear, white, sparingly glandular. Anthers yellow,
bilocular, the cells opening lengthways, and divergent at the
base. Style slender, capillary, smooth, attenuated at the
base. Stigma orbicular, peltate, convex, viscid, and slightly