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Mr. Atkins s chve-scentéd Nierembergia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R I A M O N O G Y N I A .
Natural Order. S O L A N E Æ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 4 4 3 .
N IE R E M B E R G IA . S u p r à fo l. 1 7 2 .
** Corollæ fa u c e dilatatâ sæpius ventrieosâ, staminibus inæqualibus tubo
medio insertis subinelusis, stigmate capitato. P e tu n i a .
N . Atkinsiana, fo liis o v a tis a c u tiu s c u l i s , la c in ii s c a ly c in is l ig u l a ti s , c o ro llæ tu b o
c a ly c e d u p lò lo n g io r e .
Stem much branched, spreading, about 2 feet high, round,
green, clothed with long, soft, jointed, glandular hairs.
Leaves alternate, or occasionally opposite, ovate, rather acute,
slightly attenuated at the base, pale green, an inch and a
half long, marked by several nerves, and clothed on both
sides with soft, jointed, glandular hairs, the midrib purplish
below ; the lower ones stalked, /'foiuers solitary. Peduncles
axillary, filiform, an inch or two in length, copiously clothed,
as well as the calyx, wdth jointed glandular hairs; the fruit-
bearing ones longer and deflexed. Calyx turbinate, with 10
blunt angles, .the segments leafy, ligulate, blunt, unequal,
thrice longer than the tube. Corolla funnel-shaped, with
the tube an inch and a half long, ventricose above, clothed
outwardly with soft, jointed hairs; limb concave, spreading,
plaited, with 5 shallow, round, blunt lobes, of a brilliant
purple, outside paler and livid, the inside of the tube marked
with deep violet-coloured veins. Stamens 5, erect, 2 longer.
Filaments úender, glabrous, white, attached to the lower part
of the tube. Anthers pale-purple, with 2 parallel, distinct
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