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ARTANÉMA fimbriatum.
Fringed-Jìowered Artanema.
Lmnean Class and Ordir. D L ^ N A M I A A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Naturai Order. S C R O P t lU L A R IN iE . Brown prodr. 1. p . 433.
Trib. 3. G r a t i o l e * .
A R T A N E M A . Calyx profundé 5-partitus, ®stivatione quincunciali.
Corolla tubulosa, fauce ventricosa, limbo 5-loba, bilabiata ; lobis dentato-
serratis ! Stamina 4, didynama; 2 inferiora long;iora. Filamenta coroll®
tubo omninò connata, basi glanduloso-pubescentia, apice geniculata. A n -
therte per paria cohmrentes : loculis divaricatis, sub-oppositis, apice dis-
tinctis : connectivo filiformi, elongato, arcuato, apice dilatato, staminum
longiorum basi appendice discoideà aneto! Stigma bilamelloso-partitum.
Capsula subrotundo-ovata, crustácea, bilocularis, apice debiscens : valvulis
integris : septo contrario. Placentce 2, magn®, spongios®, succulent®.
Semina singulo ordine creberrima, obovata, scabra, umbilico prominnlo :
testa sub-crustaceà : albumen copiosuin, carnosum. Embryo erectus, mi-
nutus, teres, axilis : radiculà centripetà.
Herb® (Australasic®) fo liis oppositis dentatis, floribus terminalibus,
pedunculis ebracteatis, fru c tife r is erectis.
Obs. Torenia longé diversa calyce tubuloso, coroll® lobis planis integerrimis,
filamentis longioribus dente laterali auctis, nec basi geniculatis,
capsulà subsiliquosà membranaceà, placentis angustis. D . Don AIss.
A . fim b ria tum , foliis lanceolatis acutis serratis, segmentis calycinis lanceolatis
mucronatis, bracteis ovatis.
Torenia? fimbriata. Graham in edinb. phil. jo u rn . Sept. 1831.
T. scabra. Ejusd. in bot. mag. t. 3104.
The whole herb of a dark green, with a nauseous bitter
taste. Root apparently perennial. Stems upright, branched,
bluntly four-sided, from a span to a foot and a half high,
smooth and glossy, occasionally of a purple hue, especially
at the insertion of the branches ; the angles often slightly
concave, from the impression left by the opposite branch.
Leaves decussately opposite, stalked, lanceolate, pointed, serrated,
spreading, and recurved, attenuated and entire at both
ends, from 2 to -3 inches long, even, and of an opaque green
above, paler, shining, and ribbed below, rough to the touch
on both sides with numerous elevated dots. Footstalks about
half an inch long, channelled above, and connected at the
base by means of a ring. Raceme terminal, erect, of from 4
to 16 flowers. Pe¿M?2c/eí decussately opposite, rather remote,
compressed, smooth, green, and slightly furrowed above,
scarcely an inch long, the fruit-bearing ones more erect.
Bractes ovate, mucronate, cucullate, adpressed, entire. Caly.v
smooth and shining, deeply parted into 5 lanceolate mucronate
segments, rough at the edges, with minute teeth, the
upper one larger. Corolla large, tubular, blue, about an
inch long, clothed exteriorly with minute glandular pubesiFi',