LUPINUS ornatus.
Ornamental Lupine.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA
l e g u m i n o s a . J uss. gen. p .SM ,.
L U P IN U S . S u p rà fo l. 12,
L. om a y s , perennis, argenteo-sericeus ; foliolis subseptenis lineari-Ian-
ceolatis mucronatis, calycis labio superiore bifido; inferiore acuto carinato
loiigiore, leguminibus 4-5-spermis.
Lupinus ornatus. Douglas Mss. Lin d i, in bot. reg. 1 .1216.
Plant herbaceous, perennial, thickly, clothed with short
adpressed silky hairs, of a silvery hue. Stems erect, a foot or a
foot and a half high, nearly simple, cylindrical, and marked
with two elevated lines arising from the decurrent bases of
the leaves. Leaves on filiform footstalks, from an inch to two
mches long, thickened and slightly flattened above at the base.
Leaflets mostly 5 or 6, but occasionally 4 or 7, and sometimes
rarely 12, linear-lanceolate, pointed, silvery, slightly
channelled above, furnished below with a prominent midrib,
attenuated towards the base, broader upwards, from an
inch to an inch and a half long, the apex slightly recurved.
btypules narrow, somewhat subulate, erect, rather adpressed,
c annelled, deciduous, three lines long. Flowers numerous,
scattered, or somewhat aggregate and semiverticillate, dis-
j30sed m loose, spiked racemes, of from three to seven inches
long. Pedicels very short, purplish. Bractes caducous, lanceolate,
attenuated, concave, membranous, rather longer
than the pedicels. Calyx silky, the lips ovate-oblong, concave,
upper one notched, lower rather longer, acute, keeled
1 he vexillum and wings of the Corolla varying from a bright
blue to a pale purple, veiny, the disk of the former white,
with a yellow spot, terminated by a short carinate point
with the sides fo ded back. Keel white, with a dark purple',
acuminate point, the edges fringed with soft hairs. Stamens