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RANUNCULUS millefoliatus ; var.
Large-flowered Milfoil-leaved Crawfoot.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P O L Y G Y N IA .
Natural Order. R A N IT N C U L A C E A 3 . Juss. gen. p. 231.
R A N U N C U L U S . Calyx 3 v. 5-sepalus, deciduus. P etala 5 v. ra-
riùs plura, basi intùs squamulà foveolàve nectariferà instructa. Stamina et
Pistilla indefinita. Cariopsides capitat® v. spicat®, smpiùs mucronata;.
LIerbae plerumque europcew, polymorphce.
R. millefoliatus, calycibus adpressis villosis, foliis tripinnato-partitis ; segmentis
lineari-lanceolatis acutis glabris, caule nudiusculo subunifioro
adpressè piloso.
Ranunculus millefoliatus. Vahl symb. 2 .p . 63. t. 37. D e s f.fl.a tl. L p . 441.
t. 116. Willd. sp. pi. 2. p . 1328. Deeand. syst. 1. p . 256. prodr. 1. p.
27. Sm ith jl. yrcee. Sibth. G. p . l i . t. 621. 6 . Don gen. syst. gard.
and bot. 1. p . 26. Hooker in bot. mag. t. 3009.
¡3. grandiflorus, fioribus inajoribus.
Root composed of numerous oval, blunt, fleshy tubers,
intermixed with branched fibres. Stem mostly single-flowered,
about a span high, erect, filiform, copiously clothed
with adpressed hairs, furnished with one or two leaves, but
occasionally naked. Leaves tripinnately divided, with linear
lanceolate, acute, glabrous segments, of a dull green, and
rather fleshy. Footstalks almost filiform, sparingly villous,
dull purple towards the base, from 2 to 3 inches long,
marked above with a narrow furrow. Flowers mostly solitary,
of a golden yellow, varying in size, sometimes an inch
and a half across. Sepals rounded, villous, membranous,
concave, caducous. Petals obovate, glossy, furnished at the
base with a truncate scale. Filaments linear, flat, glabrous,
longer than the anthers. Totms elevated, cylindrical,
scarcely half an inch long. Carpels nearly orbicular, compressed,
glabrous, with a short, hooked, rather thick beak.
Received by Mrs. Palliser from Professor Tenore with
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