M, V r o interesting plant, raised by
M i . William Smith in 1829, from seeds of Rhododendron
caucasicum that had been fertilized by arhoreum. It partakes
of the female parent in habit and stature, but agrees with
a f ormm m the more essential parts of its structure, par-
find k " downy many-celled ovarium, and this we
find to be the case in all the hybrids of this genus which we
1 ave examined, they partake of the hahit and constitution of
the female parent, but agree with the male in the more
essential parts of structure, and they are mostly reducible to
the same species with the male parent. All the hybrids of
theTvaZ'm ' number of cells to
Onr drawing was taken in the early part of March, at
slir'rc “ Tk Common, near Kingston,
A T ^ ioches high
and had two large clusters of fifteen fiowers each, of a rfch
pink, marked inside with dark red spots. It is quite hardy
and IS easily increased by layers. Mr. Smith is already in
possession of a good stock of young plants of it. The generic
name will be found explained at fol. 10. D. Don.