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SILÈNE chlorsefòlia.
Chlora-leaved Catchfly.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA T R IG Y N IA .
N a tu ra i Order. C A R Y O P H Y L L E A : . J uss. gen. p . 299.
S I L E N E . Suprà fol. 40.
S. cAZora/bZia, perennis, glabra, glauca; foliis inferioribus spathulatis acuminatis
; superioribus cordatis amplexicaulibus, calycibus clavatis Imvi-
b u s, petalorum laminis cuneatis d ilatatis appendicibusque bipartitis.
Silene clilormfolia. Sm ith ic. ined. t. 13. Willd. sp. pi. 2. p . 161. Sims m
bot. mag. t. 807. Marsch. à Bieb. f l . taur. cauc. 1. p . 341. Decand.
prodr. \ . p . 331. G .D o n s y s t. gard. bot. \ . p. 12. rv r
Lychnis orientalis viscosa, Centaurei lutei folio, flore longissimo. lo u rn e j.
cor. p . 24.
Plant perennial, slightly suffruticose, glabrous, glaucous.
Stems many, dichotomously branched, erect, geniculate, a
span to a foot high ; joints swollen, somewhat spha;rical; the
interstices filiform, about 2 inches long. Leaves the lower
ones and those of the barren shoots stalked, spathul%, plain,
rather fleshy, about an inch and a half long, terminated by
a long, sharp, occasionally twisted point; upper ones broadly
ovate, acuminate, sessile, the uppermost cordate, acuminate,
slightly waved, and embracing the stem. Pedmcles
about 2 inches long, filiform, single-flowered, viscid ; Calyx
clavate, about an inch long, with 10 obsolete angles, membranous,
pale green, faintly stained with purple, with 5 erect,
ovate teeth, having a broad scariose white border. Petals 6,
glabrous, of a clear white above, the underside of a pale,
livid purple ; claws linear, green, considerably longer than
the calyx ; lamina divided into 2 broadly cuneate entire even
lobes. Coronal appendages of 2 oblong blunt entire segments.
Pilaments 10, glabrous, with attenuated purple points.
Anthers linear, incumbent, white. Ovarium oblong-cylindri-
cal, green trilocular, but slightly attenuated at the top.