CRATÆGUS mexicana.
Mexican Hawthorn.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA DIGYNIA.
N a tu ra l Order. POM A C EÆ . Rich. anal. f r . p . 33. Lindi, in hnn.
trans. 13. p. 93. . , . , ^ r, ■
C R A TÆ G U S Ca/j/x 5-dentatus. PeiaZa patentia, orbiculata. Ovarium,
2-5-loculare. S ty li glabri. Pomum carnosum, oblongum, dentibus caly-
cinls V. disco clausum, putamine osseo.
Frútices (Americæ septentrlonalis, Europæ, Asiæ et Africæ borealis) spinosi.
Folia angulata v. dentata, nunc sempervirentia. Cymæ termiimles,
plerumque multifloræ, patentes. Bracteæ subulatæ, deciduæ. Lmdl.
in 1. c. 13. p. 10.5.
C mexicana, digyna, inermis ; foliis cuneato-oblongis duplicato-serratis subtùs
villosis, corymbis multifloris hirsutis, dentibus calycinis lanceolatis acutis
integerrimis recurvatis, pomis globosis punctatis 5 -spermis.
This forms a small unarmed bushy tree of 8 or 10 feet
high, and is apparently evergreen, with round, glabrous,
olive-coloured branches. Leaves stalked, oblong, or cuneately
lanceolate, pointed, the upper third unequally and
often doubly serrated, with rather blunt teeth, the rest ot
the margin quite entire and even, attemiated at the base,
2 or 3 inches long, and about an inch in breadth; upper
surface light green, veiny and wrinkled, finally becoming
o-labrous, underneath copiously clothed, especially m the
younger ones, with soft, adpressed white hairs. Footstalks
very short, channelled above, and bordered with a narrow
leafy margin. Stipules stalked, lunate, acuminate, serrated
with unequal glandular teeth. Corymbs terrninal, many-
flowered. Peduncles cylindrical, copiously hairy. Bracks
linear, acute, adpressed, furnished at the margin with
numerous, minute, glandular teeth. Calyx turbinate, densely