u li' ti.
VERBÉNA venosa.
Veiny-leaved Vervain.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA ,
Natural Order. V E R B E N A C E A ) . Brown prodr. \ . p . b l9 .
V E R B E N A . Supra fol. 202.
Y . venosa, scabra; foliis oblongis mucronatis dentato-serratis, spicis ab-
breviatis corymboso-paniculatis, coroll® laciniis cuneato-rotundatis di-
latatis emarginatis.
Verbena venosa. Gill, and Hook, in bot. misc. 1. p . 167. Hook, in bot,
mag. t. 3127.
Whole herh of an opaque green, harsh and rough, with
short simple hristly hairs, intermixed with glanduliferous
ones. Root perennial, occasionally creeping, and sending
forth subterraneous shoots. Stem upright, branched,
varying from a foot to 2 feet high, stiff, with 4 angles;
the two opposite ones alternately channelled. Leaves decus-
sately-opposite, sessile, oblong, or linear-oblong, of nearly
equal breadth, mucronate, sharply and copiously toothed,
especially towards the apex, wrinkled and veiny on both
surfaces, scarcely paler beneath, the base broad and slightly
decurrent, with a white, flattish mid-rib, from 2 to 5
inches long, and about an inch broad. Flowers of a brilliant
purple, changing to violet, on fading, in short thick spikes,
of about an inch long, disposed in a corymbose panicle.
Bractes linear-lanceolate, acuminate, channelled, hispid,
longer than the calyx. Calyx hispid, tubular, 5-sided ; the
teeth very short, ovate, mucronate, conduplicate, erect, with
the interstices membranous. Corolla, the tube dark red,
thrice longer than the calyx; hairy both within and without;
the hmb 5-lobed, glabrous, with the lobes equal, broad'
round, and cuneiform, notched, spreading, veiny. Stamens
4, didynamous, inserted about half way down the tube. Filaments
short, smooth. Anthers cordate, mucronulate, yellow,
• Zip fesn.