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RHODODENDRON macmnthiim.
Large-flowered Chinese Rosebay.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. E R IC A C E Æ .
Trib. 2. R h o d o r eæ. D o n in edinb. p h il jou rn . J u ly , 1834, p . l a i ,
R H O D O D E N D R O N . Suprà fol. 10.
R . macranthum, pentandrum, appressò setosum ; foliis obovato-oblougis
planis uitid is, laciniis calycinis lanceolatis acutis inciso-dentatis. pilosis,
corollâ tubuloso-campanulatâ glabrû.
Rhododendron macranthum. G. Don syd . gard. ^ bot. 3. p. 846. ^
Azalea macrantlia. B unge enum. pi. chin, in act. petrop. 1833. p. 1 lo .
A . in d ic a ; lateritia. L in d l. in bot. reg. t. 1700.
A procumbent shrub, dividing at the base into a number
of long, naked stems, clothed with a pale brown deciduous
bark, terminated by a bundle of 10 or 12 branches, which
are again subdivided in the same manner. Leaves obovate,
or spathulate, stalked, attenuated at the base, rather membranous,
spreading varying from half an inch to an inch and a
half long, dark green and shining above, paler beneath, and,
as well as the branchlets, thinly clothed, on both sides, with
adpressed, rufous, shining, bristly hairs. Flowers solitary or
in pairs, terminating the branches. Peduncles rather thick,
cylindrical, as well as the bractes, densely hairy, about half
an inch in length. Calyx of 5 lanceolate, acute, deeply-
toothed, recurved, leafy segments, clothed exteriorly with
silvery hairs, the inner surface naked. Corolla large, broadly
funnel-shaped, of a deep salmon colour; tube short, with 5
blunt angles; limb spreading, about 2 inches across, with
5 oblong-elliptical, obtuse, entire, recurved, wavy lobes, the
upper one marked with spots of a deeper colour. Stamens 5,
rather shorter than the corolla, declinate. Filaments sXender,
cylindrical, g l a b r o u s , the colour of the corolla. Anthers^hoxt,
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