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LINARIA circinata.
Curve-leaved Toad-flax.
Linncan Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. S C R O P H Ü L A R IN A Í . Brown prodr. 1. p . 433.
T rib. 2. A n t i r r h i n b * . Don in Lin n . tra n s .16. p . 364. Chavann.
tnonogr. p. 73.
L IN A R I A . Ca/i/a: 5-partitus. CoroZfa personata, basi calcarata. Capsula
bilocularis, valvulis 2-10 v. rarò operculis 2 dehiscens.
P lan t® (plerumque Europ® Australis) lierbaeem v. raro suffrutieosce.
Folia scepiùs sparsa. Flores terminales spieato-raeemosi, v. axillares solitarii.
*** Floribus axillaribus solitariis, eapsalä operculis valvulisve 2 dehis-
centi. Elatinoides. Chavann. 1. c. p. 103.
L. circinata, suffrutescens, glabra ; foliis sagittatis circinato-recurvatis pos-
ticè acutis, segmentis calycinis lanceolatis acuminatis, calcare subulato
recto coroll® longitudine, palato biprominulo dense barbato.
Plant apparently perennial, and rather woody at the base,
about a span high, glabrous, but besprinkled with minute,
crystalline dots. Branches simple, slender, procumbent, and
slightly angular. Leaves alternate, stalked, linear-lanceolate,
acute, recurved, or rather revolute, perfectly glabrous on both
sides, entire at the margin, somewhat fleshy, about half an
inch long, arrow-shaped at the base, with short, pointed,
spreading lobes; the lower ones smaller, oblong-elliptical,
slightly attenuated at the base, entire, or occasionally furnished
with a single tooth. Flowers axillary, solitary. Peduncles
filiform, slender, glabrous, bowed, and bent downwards,
longer than the leaves, thickened, and rather club-
shaped at the apex. Calyx 5-partite, the segments lanceolate,
acuminate, glabrous, bluntly keeled, with the midrib thickened
at the base; the upper one larger. Corolla of a sulphur colour,
larger than that of L. vulgaris, personate, clothed with
glandular pubescence, upper lip 2-lobed, lower one 3-lobed,
the lobes rounded, revolute ; the palate of a deeper colour,
and thickly bearded, dotted with dark red, furnished with
two prominences. Spur awl-shaped, acute, as long as the corolla,
and of the same colour, dotted with red on the inside,
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