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P O T E N T ÍL L A Mackayana.
Mackay s mule Cinquefoil.
Linnean Class and Order. IC O S A N D R IA P O L Y G Y N IA .
Natural Order. RO SA C EÆ . J J o n p ro d r .f. nepal. p . 229.
Subordo I I . JDrYADEÆ. Calyx 5-fidus (rariiis 4-fidus aut pluri-divi-
sus), per æstivationem valvatus, sæpè extùs bracteolas lobulosve exteriores
lobis alternos gerens. P é ta la tot quot cal. lobi veri et iis alterna.
Stamina numerosa, rariùs 5 et tunc lobis cal. opposita, apice tubi calycini
expansi inserta. Carpella numerosa, rariùs panca congesta, toro inserta,
inter se et à calyce libera, et latere prope apicem stylifera. S ty li intror-
sùm sulco-notati in stigma obliquum expansi. Akenia uniovulata omninò
libera, exsucca aut baccata. Semen solitarium erectum aut inversum, ex-
albuminosum. Embryo rectus, cotyledonibus planiusculis.— Herbæ aut
frutices, foliis sæpiùs compositis, stipulis 2 lateraliter petiolo adnatis. DC .
prodr. 2. p. 549.
P O T E N T L L L A . C'aita-tubus concavus, limbus 4-5-fidus extus 4-5-
bracteolatus. P é ta la 4-5. Stamina numerosa. Carpella numerosa stylo
laterali donata, in receptáculo procumbente persistente exsucco capitato.
Semen appensum.^—^Herbæ aut auñrutices fo liis compositis ; stipulis pciioZo
adnatis; floribus albis luteis rariter rubris. DC . prodr. 2. p. 571.
Sect. I . PO T E N T IL L A S T R U M . P é ta la obtusa vel obcordata lutea (rariùs
rubra). Eolia palmata vel pinnatisecta.
P . Mackayana, villoso-pilosa, caule adscendente ramoso, foliis flaccidis
radicalibus quinatis : foliolis oblongo-cuneatis grosse et obtuse dentatis;
caulinis ternatis paucidentatis, stipulis ovatis acutis integerrimis, petalis
obcordatis undulatis calyce paulo longioribus.
Root perennial. Stems nunierous, ascending, branched,
thickly clothed with long, spreading, villous down: branches
ascending, many times forked, producing a flower in each
fork. Leaves petiolate, also thickly clothed with long villous
hairs, of a dark green on the upper side and lighter underneath
; lower leaves producing 5-leaflets, which are of a thin
texture, oblongly wedge-shaped, tapering to the base, and
toothed with numerous large bluntish teeth, pinnately nerved
and reticulately veined, the middle one longest and the
lower ones shortest and broadest. Petioles furrowed above,
and on each side, villosely hairy, tinged with purple : stem-
leaves on very short footstalks, producing only three leaflets,
and the upper ones only a single one, the leaflets smaller,
and the upper ones with fewer teeth, the terminal ones quite