V E R B E N A chamaedryfolia.
Scarlet-flowered Vervain.
Linnean ClassSf Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. V E R B E N A C E iE . Juss. inann. dumus.T. p.GS.
V E R B E N A . Calyx tubulosus, quinquedentatus. Corolla tubo
cylindraceo; limbo piano, quinquefido; laciniis in®qualibus. Sta mina
4, didynama, inclusa. Stylus simplex. Stigma laterale, subglo-
bosum. Drupa parya, exsucca, quadrilocularis, quadripavtibilis; loculis
monospermis. -Herb® aut rariùs suffrutices erecta aut procum-
hentia. Folia apposita, rigida, scepissinie serrata aut varie incisa.
Spie® alares aut scepius terminales, solitarice, conglomerata aut pani-
culata. Flores sessiles, bracteati, sapissime violacei. Kth. synops. 2.
p. 57-58.
V . chamadryfo lia , caule adscendente hispido-piloso, foliis oblongis
acutis subpetiolatis grosse serratis calycibusque hispidis; superiori-
bus subintegerrimis, corymbo multifloro terminali : post anthesin
spicato, calycibus elongatis hispidis, tubo coroll® calyce duplo
longiore; limbi laciniis cuneatis emarginatis.
Verbena cham®dryfolia. Jussieu in Pers. syn. 2. p . IS8. Spreng.
syst. 2 .p . 748.
Verbena veronicifolia. Smith in Rees encyel. art. Verbena, non Humh.
Verbena Melindres. Gillies in Botan. regist. 1 .1184.
Erinus peruvianus. Linn. Willden. sp. p l. 3. p. 334.
Lychnid®a Veronic® folio flore coccineo. Feuill. peruv. p . 36. i.2 5 .
Perennial and somewhat suffrutescent at the base,
much branched : branches opposite, spreading, more or
less decumbent, the points ascending, thickly clothed
with rigid bristly hairs of unequal length. Leaves opposite,
on short footstalks, oblong, oblongly lanceolate,
or some of them nearly ovate, deeply serrate ; the teeth
generally bluntish, but sometimes acute, thickly clothed
on both sides, and at the margins with short hispid
hairs : upper leaves sometimes entire or with a single
tooth on each side, narrower and more pointed. Petioles
short, flattened on the upper side and rounded below.
Flowers bright scarlet, in a close corymb, lengthening
into a spike as they become overblown. Peduncles
bluntly quadrangular, hispidly hairy. Bractes subulately
linear, scarcely half the length of the calyx.
Calyx long and slender, hispid, 5-angular, shortly 5-
cleft or 5-toothed : the segments subulate, unequal in
V O L . I .