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D R A C O C E PH A L UM altaiónse.
Betony-leaved Dragon s-head.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA G Y M N O S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. L A B IA TÆ . Brotvn prodr. 499.
Div. IV . Stamina 4 fertilia. Corolla bilabiata. Calyx bilabiatus.
Juss. gen. 115.
D R A C O C E P H A LU M . GaZya; tubulosus, 15-nervis, bilabiatus: la-
bio superiori 3-dentato, dentibus ovatis, mediâ sæpiùs latiore : inferiori
bidentato, dentibus linearibus, intùs fauce nudâ. Corolla tubo nunc ex-
serto nunc calyce breviore, fauce inflatâ, bilabiata : labio superiori erecto,
emarginato, fornicato : inferiori patente trifido, lobo medio emarginato
subplano. Stamina 4, sub labio superiori asoendentia, approximata. A n theroe
biloculares, loculis divaricatis. Stylus apice subæqualiter bifidus.
Aehenia sicca, lævia. Bentham Bot. reg. 1292.
D. altaiense, verticillis remotiusculis, bracteis oblongis mucronato-denta-
tis, calycis laciniis æqualibus, foliis radicalibus cordato-oblongis obtusis
dentatis ; caulinis amplexicaulibus subrotundis crenatis. Spreng. syst.
2 . p . 693.
Dracocephalum altaiense. Laxm. in act. petrop. v. 15. 1770. p . 556. t. 29.
f . S . Willden. sp. pl. 3. p. 164. Pers. syn. 2. p. 133. Hort. Kew . e d .2 .
V. 3. p. 420. Spreng. syst. 2. p. 693.
Dracocephalum grandiflorum. Botan. magaz. 1 .1009. nec aliorum.
A handsome herbaceous perennial plant, growing in dense
tufts, producing numerous flowering stems, which are quadrangular,
very leafy, and densely clothed with hairs which all
bend downwards, from 4 inches to near a foot in height,
according to the strength of the plant. Root leaves petiolate,
oblong, obtuse, cordate at the base, pubescent on each side,
but glossy above, and deeply notched, producing numerous
broad rounded teeth,which imbricate over each other. Petioles
deeply channelled on the upper side, and keeled on the lower,
very hairy. Stem leaves sessile, clasping the stem, nearly
round, but attenuated to the base, deeply toothed with very
large bluntish teeth, 5-nerved from the base, the nerves
branched, very hairy on both sides and fringed, purplish at
the base. Flowers very large, dark blue, in whorls round the
stem, and terminal. Bractes surrounding the flowers, cuneate,
sharply toothed, strongly 3-nerved, very hairy and fringed.
Calyx tubular, 5-cleft: tube many angled, villous; lacinise
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