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C O B Û R G IA incarnata.
Splendid Coburgia.
Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA H E X A N D R IA .
Natural Order. A m a r y l l id e æ . Brown p ro d r .1. p . 298.
Tribus I I . P A N C R A T IF O R M E S . Scapus solidus. Corona staminifera.
W. Herbert in Botan. magaz. v. 62. 2606.* p. I I .
C O B U R G IA . Ouaî'îMmoblongum, triquetrum. PeriantMumlonge
tubulosum, infundibuliforme ; /¿jbSo 6-partito, regular!; laciniis im-
bricatis: tubus curvato-declinatus, angulatus, basi attenuatus, supra
medium ventricosus. Corona campanulata, brevissima, membranacea,
6-partita, inter laciniis staminifera : laciniis patentibus bidentatus.
Stamina 6 : fiiamenta basi subdilatata, apice conniveutia : Antheroe
incumbentes. Stigma obtusura, trigonum, papillosum. Capsula trilocularis;
loculis polyspermis. Semiiia alato-marginata ?
C. incarnata, subquadriflorum, foliis linearibus obtusis glaucescentibus
striatis obsolete reticularis, scapo foliis subduplo longiore ancipite,
perianthii laciniis ovato-ellipticis.
Pancratium incarnatum. Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth. nov. gen. etspec. 1.
p . 280. K th . synops. 1. p . 28T. Spreng. syst. 2. p . 49.
Bulb very similar to SprekUia formosissima or Jacobea
Lily, clothed with two or three layers of brown shelly
scales. Leaves 5 or 6, oblongly linear, bluntish, striate,
and obsoletely reticulate, smooth at the edges, slightly
glaucous, channelled on the upper side, and bluntly
keeled below, attenuated a little to the base and point,
nearly an inch broad, and about eighteen inches long.
Scape erect, solid, somewhat compressed, having two
sharpish edges, those are sharpest upwards, and more
rounded below, about two feet and a half high. Spatha
of four bractes ; the two outer ones longest, membranaceous,
broadly lanceolate, acute, striated with many
prominent veins, turning brown and falling off, soon
after the flowers expansion. Umbel 4-d.owereà. Pedicles
short, smooth, glaucous, slightly 3-sided. Ovarium below
the flower, oblongly ovate, sharply 3-sided, smooth,
and very slightly glaucous. Flowers of a brilliant orangy
salmon colour, 5 inches in length : tube bluntly triangular,
hollowed a little between the angles, very slender
at the base, becoming gradually more expanded upwards,
inflated from a little above the middle, of a brilliant
glossy colour ; limb 6-cleft ; segments about an inch
long, ovately elliptic, bluntish, but terminating in a
short point, the three inner ones nearly equal with the
VOL. I . F
'fit'ti ' -.11