V E R B É N A alata.
Winged-stalked Vervain.
Linnean Chss and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. V E R B E N A C E A i. Brown p rodr. 1. p . 6 \0 .
V E R B E N A . Supra folio 9. series 2.
V . alata, caule erecto ramoso, ramis tetragono-alatis glabns : junionbus
strigoso-hispidis, foliis lanceolatis serratis sessilibus tnneryus venoso-
rugosis strigoso-scabris, spicis congestis paniculato-ramosis hirsutis,
floribus imbricatis.
Verbena alata. Otto hort. berol. Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2.
A/m erect, four-sided, the angles winged, from four to
six feet high, branched: branches slenderest where they join
to the stem, four-sided, the angles sharp and winged, stii-
ated between the angles, of a bright green, when young
thickly clothed with short rigid bristle-like hairs, which occasions
a rough hard feel, those soon wear off, and the stein
becomes smooth and somewhat glossy; rather slenderer at
the joints from where the leaves proceed. Leaves opposite,
sessile, 3-nerved from the base, much veined and rugged lanceolate,
unequally serrate, acute, very rough to the touch, the
roughness occasioned by the short rigid bristle-like hairs, with
which they are covered on both sides, entire from above the
middle ; the teeth sharp, rather distant. Spikes rather short,
crowded, in terminal panicles: the flower-stems purplish,
4-angular, very rough, being strigosely hispid. Flowers
crowded, numerous, purple, closely imbricate on the »pikes.
Bractes lanceolate, acute, strigose, about the length ot the
tube of the calyx. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed, strigosely hairy:
tube 5-angular, membranaceous between the angles; the
4 upper teeth nearly equal in length, acute, hispid, the
lower one about half the length. Corolla tubular ; die tube
cylindrical; the limb 5-cleft, segments unequal, ligulate,
slightly retuse, upper ones largest. Stamens 4, didynamous,
two rather longer than the others, inserted m the tube a
little below the mouth, and included: Jilaments very short.
Ovarium smooth and glossy. Style smooth. Stigma capitate.
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