CROCUS Imperati.
Imperati's Crocus.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. IR ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 302.
C R O C U S Spatha plerumque bivalvis, valva interior multo angustior.
Perianthium corollaceum : limbo 6-partito infundibuliformis subæqualis :
segmentis tribus exterioribus majoribus : tubus longissimus basi subterráneas
Stamina 3, fauci inserta. Stigmata 3 dilatata, serrulata aut incisa.
Capsula 3-locularÌ5.-R a d ix bulbo-tuber; indusiis scarioso-membranaceis.
Foliis angusto-linearibus patentibus aut suberectis, canaliculatis supra
lineam albam exaratis.
C Imperati, stigmate incluso 3-fido staminibus longiore : lobis cuneiformi
bus incisis crenulatis ; perianthii segmentis lato-elhpticis obtusis sub-
eraarginatis; intus concoloribus violaceo-purpureis ; fauce nuda auran-
tiacaf spatha bivalvi, foliis hyperanthiis linearibus crassis revolutis,
costa a lt e canaliculatis, tunicis radicalibus menforanaceo-fi amentosis
Crocus Imperati. Tenme Mem. sul. spec, e varietà d i Crochi, Mila. Ltora
Napolitana. p . 10. tab. ILI. app. 5 a d f l. neap. p . 4. Spreng. tent,
supp. syst. veg. p . 2. Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2. add. p. 596.
Root a bulb-tuber, at the time of flowering fusiform and
naked below, the fusiform-root sometimes extending to the
depth of 6 inches : sometimes producing a shorter one from
the upper part, as in Tenore s figure ; the upper part or bulb
itself, about the size of a large hazel-nut, covered with a
scariose membranaceous indusium, sheath broad, membranaceous,
funnel-form, surrounded by fascicles of the old
leaves. Leaves 4 to 6, when in flower recurved, spreadmg,
or laying on the ground, narrowly linear, keeled, dark green,
marked with a longitudinal white line on the upper side a
line and a half in breadth, and from 3 to 5^ inches m length,
revolute at the margins. Spathe 2-valved, valves broad, membranaceous,
about the length of the tube. ®®;
rolla-like: tube from 1 to 3 inches in length, apex white,
striped : segments broad, elliptic, obtuse, or somewhat emar;
ginate, inside dark violet or pale purple: the 3 outer ones L the outside more or less of a yellow tmge, longitudinally
marked with 3 dark violet feathered lines : on the inner side
towards the base veined: the throat and mouth naked, and
orange-coloured. Stamens 3 : Jilaments pa\e yellow oi whi e
anthers deep yellow, emarginate at the point, and sa<,ittate
2 c 2