L U B ÍN IA atropurpúrea.
Dark purple Lubinia.
L in n ea n C lass an d O rd e r . P E N T A N D U IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l O rd e r . P R IM U L A C E iE . R tow » jjrodr. l . p . 4 2 7 .
L U B L N I A . C a ly x 5-partitus. Corolla infundibuliformis 5-partifos .
laciniis æqualibus subpatentibus. Stamina
d u Z t a , basi laciniarum inserta. obtnsnm, snbbilobnm. C apsula
subevalvis polysperma.
L. atropurpúrea,
termsve impunctatis, racemis congestis termmalibus pendubs biacteis
pedicellis subæqualibus, laciniis calycinis carinatis, limbo corollæ erecto,
« o m U , . .. 1. V «2.
rn.itreM.Jlor. 1.1Ü0. m e li«—.
■ 'jh iith .d e i. Jha,.ìy.J/ìiy.r.aj.. /»y.Jìart4ap. Ftï.jaSÛ .
A creeping rooted herbaceous perennial. Roots creeping
under ground like Mint, and throwing up nunierous stems.
Stems erect, rather slender, from a foot to 15 inches m
height, smooth, slightly angular, well clothed with leaves
Leaves succulent, sessile, punctate smooth, scattered,
sometimes whorled in threes, of a dull gTeen or sometimes
tinged with purple, veined underneath, the veins branched
lower ones oblong or nearly ovate, scarcely acute, attenuated
to the b ase, upper ones oblongly lanceolate acute. Racemes
terininal, crowded with flowers, nodding. Flowers dark pur-
nle slightly fragrant. Braetes linearly lanceolate, acute
dark purple! rouih at the edges. Pedicles about the ength
of the bractes, 5-angular, rough or slightly warted, slender
at the base and thickening towards the calyx, dark purple.
Cahjx deeply 5-cleft, dark purple, the segments erect, linear
o b t4 e , concave, keeled at the back rough, the poi ts
slightly curved inwards, edges fringed with small glands.
Corolla funnel-form, deeply 5-cleft, bright purple rough on
the outside; tube short; limb erect; segrnents a little
spreading at the points, oblongly spathulate, obtuse, fringe
■ with small glands. Stamens 5 ; jilaments very long, inserted
in the base of the segments, a little dilated at the base, covered
with small glands, light purple: anthers two-lobed.
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