E R Y T H R O N IUM longifolium. «. et ¡3.
Long-leaved Dog’s-tooth Violet.
Lmnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. T U L IP A C EÆ . K th . synops.\. p . 292.
. E R Y TH R O N IU M . Supra folio 72. series 2.
E. longifolium, bulbo subsolitario máximo, foliis oblongis lanceolatisque
basi et apice attenuatis nervosis, perianthii foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis
acutis supra medium reflexis, ovarium ovatum leviter trisulcatum, stigmate
profunde trifido : laciniis supra canaliculatis apice bifidis.
Erythronium longifolium, foliis lanceolatis. Erythronium with spear-shaped
leaves. Miller’s dictionary, n. 2. Poir. encycl. 8. p. 660.
Dens Canis angustiore longioreque folio, flore ex albo purpurascente. Casp.
Bauh. pin. 87.
a rilbrum. foliis saturatioribus, floribus ruhellis. Supra a.
Erythronium Dens canis. Curtis Bo t. magaz. t. 5. nec aliorum.
Erythronium hifidum. Swt. hort. brit. e d it.2 . p . 597.
B álbidum. foliis pallidioribus, floribus albidis. Supra 0.
Erythronium flore albo, angustiorihus foliis. Lobel. ic. p . 196. bon. Clus.
hist. p . 266. cap. 60. bon.
Bulb solitary, or producing but few offsets, from an inch
and a half to 2 inches in length, and about the thickness of
the finger. Leaves about 4 inches in length, and 2 in breadth,
oblong or oblongly lanceolate, tapering to the base and point,
strongly veined with numerous veins on the under side, covered
on both sides with a minute scaly pubescence, as in
E. Dens eanis, of a bright green, elegantly variegated with a
glossy purplish brown, much brighter than in E. Dms earns.
Petioles short, deeply channelled on the upper side, and
rounded below, tinged with a pale salmon colour, beape or
fiower-stem erect, cylindrical, bending round near the flower,
smooth, pale salmon-coloured. Flower terminal, nodding,
double the size of E. Dens eanis, turbinately campanulate.
Perianthium of 6 petal-like leaflets, spreading, more or less
reflexed from the middle, oblongly or broadly lanceolate,
acute; of a rosy lilac, pale yellow at the base, above which
it is marked with confluent brown spots; the outer ones considerably
largest, all tapering to the base; inner ones strongly
ribbed up the centre, furnished with a white membranaceous
scale, a little above the base, that is lowest in the
middle, and extends on each side. Stamens 6, scarcely so
long as the style: jilaments flat, slender at the base, widenâ
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