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S Y M P H IA N D R A péndula.
Pendulous Symphiandra.
Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA P E N T A N D R ^ .
Natural Order. C AM P A N U L A C EÆ . Alph. DC. Monographie
S Y M P H IA N D R A . Calyx 5 -fidus. Corolla apice 5-loba, sæpius
velutina et ochroleuca. Stamina 5; filamentis inter se liberis, membra-
naceis, ciliatis: antheris in tubum longum apice 5 -dentatum connatis. S ty lus
cylindricus, pilosus. Stigmata 3, filiformia. Capsula 3-loculans, 3-valvis
ad basin dehiscens. Semina ovata, plùs minùsve complanata nitida. -
Plantæ perennes, herbaceoe vel sublignosoe; foliis altemis, petiolatis, corda
tis; inferioribus Imigius petiolatis et majoribus, fioribus magnitudine flore
Campanularum. Alph. DC . monographie des Campanulees.
S. pendula, caulibus ramosis pendulis sublignosis pilosis, foliis ovato-acutis
crenato-dentatis velutinis, fioribus paniculatis, lobis calycinis lance-
olatis; sinubus refiexis ovato-acutis, corollâ infundibuliformi velutina.
Alph. D C . mon. camp. p . 366-367.
Symphiandra pendula. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. addenda, p . 593.
Cammnula pendula. Marsch. B ieb .flo r. taur.-cauc. 1. p . 154. Rcem. et
Schult. syst. V . 5. p . 144. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 327. n. 102.
Perennial, herbaceous, producing a large tuft of leaves,
and numerous branches from the base. Stems pendulous
or nearly prostrate, much branched: branches about six
inches in length in our plant, thinly clothed with spreading
hairs, slightly angular, the angles being formed by the decurrent
base of the petioles. Leaves cordately ovate, acute,
toothed with distant, large, blunt teeth, tipped with a small
gland-like mucrone, strongly and numerously nerved underneath,
reticulately veined, and somewhat rugose, upper side
smooth and glossy, of a pale green, underneath hairy, particularly
on the nerves and margins ; slem ones smaller, less
cordate, the upper ones not at all cordate, but attenua,ted
down the petiole, so as to be sessile, or nearly so. Pelioks
on the lower leaves long and slender, dilated at the base,
where it is of a purplish red, flattened a little on the upper
side, and rounded on the lower, hairy: slem oi/ey shorter,
and becoming shorter upwards, thickly clothed with short
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