lobed, inserted in the month of the calyx, alternate
with the segments, and of the same colour. Stamens 8,
included, 4 inserted in the mouth, and 4 a little lower
down in the tube : Jilaments short and smooth, attached
to the back of the anthers: anthers two-lobed, bursting
at the points for the exclusion of the pollen. Style
smooth, pa e red, very slightly exserted. Stigma 4-lobed,
white, the lobes blunt and spreading.
The present handsome, bushy, evergreen Shrub, is a
native of Mexico, where it was found by Humboldt
and Bonpland, growing spontaneously round the volcanic
mountain of Jorullo, flowering in September;
with us it forms a handsome bush of pyramidal growth,
and is covered with flowers nearly all the Summer, and
will ripen its seed, as we see the berries have already
attained to a considerable size; there can be no doubt
but it will prove as hardy as F. coccínea and F. gracilis,
which endure the Winters well in a sheltered situation
by the side of a wall, where, if they are protected by a
mat or any other slight covering in severe weather, they
will pass the Winter uninjured, and produce an abundance
of flowers all the Summer ; and if not protected
at all, they will still survive, though killed down to the
ground; in Spring they push out strong young shoots,
which soon attain a good size, and become loaded with
The plant from which our drawing was made, was
sent to us by Messrs. Young, of the Fpsom Nursery;
the seeds from which it was raised was given them by
their late friend Colonel Mitchell, who received them
from Mexico : we have also received specimens of the
same species from Mr. J. Mackay, of the Clapton Nursery,
who also has raised several plants of it from seeds:
it succeeds well in an equal mixture of sandy loam and
peat; and young cuttings, planted in the same sort of
soil, and placed under a hand-glass, strike root readily;
it may also be raised from seeds; but the seedling plants
will not flower so readily as those raised from cuttings.
The genus was named in compliment to Leonard
Fuchs, a noted German botanist, author of Historia
Stirpium, in 1542, with 516 engravings on wood.
1. Tube of the Calyx spread open, to show the insertion of the eight Stamens.
2. The same divested of the Stamens, but showing the four petals inserted in the
moutli, and alternate witli the segments of the calyx. 3. Ovarium, terminated by
the Style and fonr-lobed Stigma.