R i i ìyJTé3nyt/iff,j/V.Pttr’a : Ì ! yX .y ^ Ì 2 .
M A H Ò N IA diversifolia.
Different-kaved Mahonia.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. B E R B E R ID EÆ . D C . syst. nat. v .2 . p . \.
M A D O N IA . Ca/yx 6-sepalus, sepalis ordine duplici dispositis, exterioribus
minoribus, extus squamulis 3 stipatus. P e ta la 6 , intus eglandu-
losa, sed basi tamen nectarifera (ex N u tt.) Stamina 6, filamentis apice
utrinquè 1-dentatis. Ovarium ovato-globosum. Stigma sessile, orbicula-
tum. Bacca ovato-globosa, 3-9-spenua.—Frutices elegantes. Eolia alterna,
persistentia, nullo modo abortiva, sed composita, impari-pinnata ; petiolo
tereti ad jugum quodqne articulato basi subdilatato ; foliolis 2-7-jugis cum ,
impari, subcoriaceis glabris, margine sinuato-dentatis : dentibus spinescenti-
bus. Pedunculi a d apicem ramosum corymbosi, plus minùsve confeì-ti ; llores
breviter pedicellatosracemosos gerentes, ad basin squamisglumaceisplus minùsve
instructis; bracteolæ jpai'uoe, persistentes ad basin pedicellorum. Elores fla v
i, valdè Berberidibusvulgaribus similes.. D C . reg. veg. syst. n a t.l. p .18-19.
M. diversifolia, foliis 2-4-jugis cum impari : jugo inferiore à petioli basi
longè distante ; foliolis oblongo-ovatis acutis penninerviis repando-dentatis
: dentibus utrinque 9-20 spinosis, racemis terminalibus congestis
brevibus aut axillaribus subsimplicibus elongatis.
Stems frutescent, erect, leafy, producing runners at the
base in our plant, under the ground : the young shoots coming
up at a distance from the plant. Leaves very variable,
alternate, evergreen, of a glossy green on the upper side,
and paler underneath. Petioles at the base partly clasping
the stem, dilated at the base, and bearing a short spreading
spine-like tooth on each side : about 7 inches long, rigid,
becoming slender upwards, slightly furrowed on the upper
side, and rounded below, pale purple, glossy, jointed at
each pair of leaflets : leaflets from 2 to 4 pair, terminated by
an odd one, oblongly ovate, acute, tapering to the point, and
widening downwards : sessile, or nearly so, penninerved,
reticulately veined, margin cartilagineous, teeth spinous,
6 to 20 on each side, repandly toothed, thin, but somewhat
coriaceous, from 2 to 3 and a half inches in length, and 1 to
1 and a half in breadth : terminal one longest, on a long
footstalk ; leaves on the stem, very different from those near
the flower ; the leaflets of the former being more ovate, and
oblique at the base, all but the terminal one, which is equal ;
the teeth are smaller, and much more numerous, the lower
ones bearing 14 to 15 on each side, increasing in number
on the upper ones, the terminal one bearing above 20 on each
side : the leaflets near the flowers more oblong, scarcely un-,
equal at the base, the teeth much larger and deeper, and
each terminated by a spine 2 or 3 times longer and thicker ;
those on the lower ones with 6 to 8, on the terminal ones 9^
11 4