C Y C LO BO TH R A purpurea.
Purple Cyclobothra.
L in n e a n Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a t u r a l Order. T U L IP A C EÆ . LLth. synops. 1. p . 292.
C Y C L O B O T H R A . Perianthium petaloiàexim, hexaphyllo-par-
tituni, imbricato-subcampaiiulatum : foliolis rectiusculis subpatenti-
bus, intus supra basin fovea nectarifera excavatis ; exterioribus duplo
minoribus. Stamina 6, basi perianthio inserta ; fiiamenta planiuscula.
Ovarium trigonum, trisulcatum. Stigmata 3, introrsum canaliculata,
apice reflexa. Capsula oblonga, obtuse trigona, polysperma.— Radix
bulbosa. Caulis herbaceus,foliatus. Ylores terminales, nutantes.
C. purpurea, caule paucifloro, foliis sparsis canaliculatis elongato-
acuminatis glaucescentibus: inferioribus linearibus; superioribus
basi dilatatis, perianthii foliolis inæqualibus : exterioribus lanceo-
lato-oblongis acutis glabris : interioribus oblongis obtusis fimbriato-
Fritillaria purpurea. Humh. Bonpl. and K th . nov. gen. et spec. amer.
( e q .l .p .2 8 8 . K th .s y n o p s .l.p .2 9 2 . Schult. syst. veg. 1. p . 398.
Root bulbous. Stem in our plant about two feet high,
solid, somewhat flexuose, leafy, faintly striate, nearly
cylindrical, smooth and glossy, producing two flowers
at the point, and a side branch a little below, bearing
one flower : in the axils of the leaves are produced
numerous bulbs. Leaves elongated, smooth, glaucescent,
striated, tapering to a long slender point, channelled on
the upper side and keeled below, sheathing the stem at
the base : lower ones elongately linear, tapering to a
long point: upper ones broader and shorter, more lanceolate,
and dilated towards the base, all acuminate, but
the slender point not so long : bulbs numerous in the
axils of the leaves. Peduncles cylindrical, smooth.
Plowers nodding, of a brownish purple on the outside
and yellow within. Perianthium Q-pavicA, nearly to the
base, the nectariferous pit spade-shaped, with two ears
at the base, and an emarginate point : the three outer
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