i i
C A L ÁM P E L IS scabra.
Rough-podded Calampelis.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
Natural Order. B IG N O N IA C EÆ . Broivn prodr. I . p . 410.
C A L A M P E L IS . CalÿXcarapanulatus, semiquinquefidus. Corollatauce
ventricosa, basi tubulosa; ore coarctato, 5-lobo. Stamina 4, didynama,
fertilia ; quinti rudimenti brevissimo. Antheræ biloculares, bipartite : lobu
obtusis, divaricatis apice distinctis. Ovarium placentis intervallo distinctis
uniloculare. Stigma bipartitum ; segmentis obtusis, canaliculatis, apice his-
pidulis. Capsula unilocularis, bivalvis : valvis medio placentiiens. P la -
cmtæ 2, magnæ, carnosæ. Semina horizontalia, obovata, imbricata, com-
planata; âla latiusculâ repando-sinuosâ, membranaceâ, argenteo-nitida,
subpellucidâ pulcherrimè nervosâ, basi emarginatâ circumcincta : testa exterior
atra, crustácea, rugulosa, parùm scrobiculata : interior tenuissime
membranacea : albumen nullum. Embryo luteolus : cotyledones orbicu a se,
plano-convexæ, non foliaceæ : radícula crassa, brevissima, cotyiedoni us
triplo brevior, infera, centripeta, basi obtusissima, funículo umbilicali par-
tim remanente.—Pianta (Chilensis) suffruticosa, scandens. Eolia opposity
petiolata, bipinnata, cirrho composito spirali terminata: pinnis pnmams oi-
jugis : foliolis serratis. Flores racemosi secundi. Racemus oppositffolius,
pedunculatus, multiflorus. Calyx brevis, viridis. Corolla coccínea. Capsula
magna^ muricata. D . Don in Edinb. new philos, journ. June. 1829. p.
c . scabra, foliis bijugis pinnatis cirrhiferis : foliolis oblique cordato-ovatis
subserratis integerrimisve, racemis elongatis multifloris, floribus secundis.
Eccremocarpus scaber. R u iz et Pavon. syst. veg. flor. peruv. p . 157. Rer^
synops. V. 2. p . 173. Botan. regist. t. 939. Spreng. syst. veg. v. 2. p.OàO.
Stem climbing, and supporting itself by the tendrds at
the ends of the footstalks of the leaves, becoming frutescent
and somewhat woody at the base, clothed with a rugged corky
bark, producing numerous branches, which extend to a great
length, and are supported by the tendrils fixing to any other
fiant, or whatever is within their reach that they can lay
lold of. Stems tinged with purple, acutely angular, the angles
varying in number on different branches, but generally
from four to six, thickly clothed with short stiff pellucid hairs
when young, afterwards becoming smooth, leaves opposite,
petiolate, producing two pair of pinnated leaflets, and terminated
by a much branched tendril : leaflets alternate, petio-
late, ovate, obliquely subcordate at the base, very unequal-
sided, and more or less toothed with bluntish teeth, or some-
times entire, glossy, but thickly clothed with short glandular
hairs on both sides, the upper side and edges covered with
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