P H IL A D É L P H U S grandiflorus.
Large-flowered Syringa.
Linnean Class and Order. IC O S A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P H IL A D E L P H E A Í . D . Don in James. Edinb.
phil. journ. 1826. Ap ril, p . 133.
P H IL A D E L P H U S . Calyx tubus obovato-turbinatus, limbus 4-
5-partitus. P étala 4-5. Stamina 20-40 libera petalis breviora. S ty li
4-5 nunc coaliti nunc plus miniis distincti. Stigma 4-5 oblonga aut
linearla s®pibs distincta rariùs concreta. Capsula 4-5-locularis polysperma.
Semina scobiformia incluso arillo membranaceo oblongo bine
fimbriato.— Frútices ; floribus albis pedicellatis corymboso-cyniosis sub-
paniculatis aut rariùs axillaribus bracteatis. DC. prodr. 3. p. 205.
P . grandiflorus, foliis ovatis longè acuminatis denticulatis tripliner-
viis subtùs ad venas hirtis : axillis venarum fasciculato-pilosis, floribus
subternis solitariisque, calycibus lobis longè acuminatis, stylis
in unicum staminibus longiorem concretis, stigmata 4 linearibus.
D C . prodr. 3. p . 206.
Philadelphus grandiflorus. WiUden. enum. 1. p . 511. Spreng. syst. 2.
p .4 9 3 . Guimp. abb. hobs. t. 44. Schrad. diss. cum icon, ex DÒ. non
Bot. reg.
A handsome dwarf bushy Shrub, attaining the height
of 6 to 8 feet: branches erect, or somewhat spreading,
of a brown chestnut colour, smooth. Leaves ovate, tapering
to a long slender point, rounded at the base,
toothed with small teeth, smooth on the upper side,
the veins underneath hairy, with a bunch of hairs in the
axils of the veins; triply-nerved underneath, of a pale
green colour. Petioles short, channelled on the upper
side and rounded below, fringed at the margins. Flowers
very large, pure white, from one to three, terminating
the small branches, scarcely scented. Peduncles short,
smooth, slender at the base and thickening upwards.
Calyx tubular, obovately top-shaped, quadrangular,
with a four-parted spreading limb : tube smooth: segments
of the limb ovate, tapering to a slender point,
fringed at the edges. Petals 4, very large, spreading.