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OE N O T H È R A Lindleyana.
Lindkys OEmthera.
Linnean Class and Order. O C T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O N A G R A R IÆ . D C . prodr. v .9 . p . 35.
OE N O T H E R A . Calyx 4-sepalus, sepalis coalitis in tubum longum
tetragonum vel octocostatum, limbo parteque tubi post anthesin caduco.
P e la la 4. Stamina 8, erecta vel declinata, polline riiangulari
viscoso. Stigma 4-fidum vel sphoericum. Capsula oblongo-lmearis obtusè
tetragona vel obovato-clavata 4-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma,
cum basi calycis coalita. Semina aflixa placent® centrali, demum liber
®.— Herbæ vel suffrutices. Folia alterna scepiùs dentata, laciniata
vel pinnatifida. Flores axillares solitarii aut terminales spicati. Corolla
alba, fla v a , rariùs aurantiaca aut purpurea. DC . prod. v. 3;
p. 45-46.,
Sect. I I . OnAGRA. Stigma quadrifidum. Antheroe oblongo-li-
heares basi sæpè emarginatæ. F r u c t u s ohlongas cylindrico-tetragonus,
valvis linearibus. D C . prodr. 3. p . 46.
CE. Lindleyana, caule basi suffruticoso ramoso diffuso ; ramis adsfcen-
dentibus canescenti-pubescentibus, foliis lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis
aut subdenticulatis pubescentibus, capsulis elongatis cylin-
dricis quadrisulcatis pubescentibus, petalis calyce duplo longioribus.
CEuothera Lindleyana. Douglas Mss. Lindi. Bo t. reg. in obs.
(Enothera Lindleyii. Hooker Botan. magaz. 2832.
Annual. Stems numerous, woody or suffrutescent at
the base, spreading in all directions : branches long and
slender, ascending, long, and naked between the leaves,
clothed with a short hoary pubescence, more or less
tinged with purple. Leaves linearly lanceolate, attenuated
at both ends, entire, or the lower ones more or less
toothed, clothed with a very short canescent pubescence
on both sides, that gives rather a hoary appearance.
Petioles short, pubescent. Flowers rather distant, axillary
and terminal, pale purple, lighter at the base, and
generally marked with four bright red patches in the
centre similar to CE. roseo-alba, but sometimes the spots
are wanting. Capsule sessile, cylindrical, tapering to
the point, four-furrowed, canescently pubesfcent. Calyx
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