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P R ÍM U L A pusilla.
American Bird’s-eye Primrose.
L in n e a n Class m o rd e r. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P R IM U L A C E iE . Brown prodr. 1. p . 4SH.
P R IM U L A . Flores subumbellati mvolucrati. Calyx tubulosus
persistens 5-deiitatus 5-fidisve, angulatus. Goro//a hypocrateriformis
V infundibuliformis tubus cylindricus, longitudine calycis aut longior,
fauce perviá, ut plurimum eglandulosá, ore patulo, limbo qumque-
lobo- lobis emarginatis. 5'iawna tubo coroll® inclusa. Stigma fio-
bosum. Capsula apice 10-dentata polysperma. Semina numerosa,
P . pusilla, foliis spatbulato-oblongis acutis argute serrato-dentatis
basi attenuatis subtus scapoque farinosis, umbellà multifiorà erecta
strictà, involucri foliolis lineari-subulatis carinatis pedicellis subm-
quantibus, calycibus inflatis acutiusculis, coroll® limbo plano ; la-
ciniis obcordatis tubo brevioribus, fauce nuda rugosa.
Primula pusilla. G o l d i e in Edinb. phil. journ. Ap rii. ia 2 2 . no. 12.
p . 322. p l. 11. / . 2. Hook. ex. flor. t. 68. Spreng. syst. 1. p . 575.
Swt. hort. brit. p . 330.
A pretty little tufted stemless plant, becoming dormant
in Winter, producing numerous offsets at the base.
Leaves numerous, when young densely clothed with a
close white powder on both sides, but as they become
older and expanded the powder wears off, or is washed
off with the rain from the upper side, by that means
they become smooth, and are only white and powdered
on the lower side : lower ones obovate or oblongly spa-
thulate, acute, and deeply toothed with numerous sharp
unequal teeth, very much attenuated towards the base,
and entire from below the middle, resembling a footstalk,
particularly on the upper leaves, which are also
narrower, and toothed with shorter teeth. Scapes or
flower-stalks stxa\gh.t, erect, longer than the leaves, densely
clothed with a farinaceous powder, tapering a little
upwards. Involucre of several subulately linear keeled
bractes, about the length of the pedicles. Umbels many-
flowered, growing in a close compact form, nearly level
when in full bloom. Pedicles erect, farinose. Calyx inflated,
tapering a little at the base, strongly 5-angular,
5-toothed, clothed with a white mealy powder : teeth
close-pressed to the tube of the corolla, more or less
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