r. U L
S A P O N À R IA calabrica.
Spreading Soapwort.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
Natural Order. C A R Y O P H Y L L EÆ . DC. prodr. 1. p. 351.
T r ib u s l. SiLENEÆ. Sepala coalita in tubum cylindraceum apice 4-5-
S A P O N A R IA . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus basi nudus. Pelala unguiculata,
ungue calycem æquante. Stamina 10. S ty li 2. Capsula 1-locu-
laris. DJD. prodr. 1. p.S65.
Sect. I I I . P r o t e in ia . Flores solitarii axillares. Calyx pilosus rarò
S . calabrica, caule dichotomo ramoso : ramis divaricatis piloso-yiscidis, pedunculis
axillaribus calyce brevioribus, calycibus teretibus piloso-visco-
sis, petalis patentibus spathulatis integerrimis basi attenuatis fauce squa-
matis, foliis inferioribus petiolatis oblongo-obovatis obtusis : superioribus
subsessilibus oblongo-lanceolatis spathulatisve acutis.
Saponaria calabrica. Gusson. Plantæ rariores per regiones Samniæ et Apru-
tii. p. 164. t. 31.
Perenniall Annual, according to Gussone, forked at all
the joints, much branched: branches slender, divaricately
spreading, thickly clothed with viscous hairs, tinged more or
less with purple, particularly at the joints. Leaves opposite,
variable in form and size, hairy on both sides; lower ones
petiolate, obovate, obtuse, attenuated towards the base, undulate
at the margins; the petioles furrowed on the upper
side, and keeled underneath, purple : upper leaves sessile or
nearly so, spathulate, or oblongly lanceolate, acute, slightly
attenuated towards the base. Flowers axillary, solitary, of a
brilliant rosy purple. Peduncle shorter than the calyx, cylindrical.
Calyx cylindrical, slightly inflated, thickly clothed
with spreading viscous hairs, 5-toothed ; teeth short, obtuse.
Petals 5, each furnished with 2 straight rigid scales at the
mouth, entire, spathulate, broadly rounded at the ends, abruptly
attenuated from about the middle downwards, where
the margins are slightly reflexed: unguis very slender, flat,
and attenuated downwards, about the length of the calyx.
Stamens \ Jilaments smooth and slender, exserted, attached
to the back of the anthers a little above the base. Ovarium