or obsoletely 5-lobed, pubescent. Corolla campanulate, 5-
angular, deeply 5-lobed, containing a hollow nectariferous
pore, filled with honey, on the upper side at the base : lobes
wedge-shaped, emarginate, crenulate, very much undulate,
spreading. AtoOTewi 10, of unequal length, ascending; upper
ones shortest; Jilaments flesh-coloured, smooth and glossy:
anthers two-lobed, attached to the back of the filaments:
bursting at the points for the exclusion of the pollen; pollen
white, stringy. Ovarium villosely hairy, 8-angular, in our
specimen. Style smooth and glossy, point ascending. Stigma
capitate, slightly and irregularly lobulate, dark purple.
Our drawing of this curious and beautiful hybrid plant,
was taken from a plant in full bloom, at the latter end of
January la s t; it had been brought forward by being placed
in artificial heat; the first flowers were not of so deep and
fine a colour, but the plant was removed to an airy part of
the Greenhouse, and the later heads of flowers became a
much finer colour; it is probable it will still become finer,
when grown in the open air.
The seeds from which the present plants were raised,
were procured from R. catawhiense, that had been fertilized
by the pollen of R . arboreum: the habit and foliage of the
present plant partakes much more of R . catawbiense than of
the o th e r: the flowers nearly equally between both, but
deficient in the spots : the ovarium in the flowers we dissected
was 8-angular, partaking nearly equally of both species.
That the present plant is perfectly hardy, there can be
no doubt, Mr. Russell having had many of them out the two
last winters; they require to be grown in peat soil, and will
doubtless be rapid growers ; we see no abortion whatever
either in the ovarium, stigma, or stamens, so that there can
be no doubt but it would produce perfect seeds.
Our drawing was made from a plant at the Nursery of
Mr. W. Russell, at Battersea, who has had great success in
raising many fine and curious hybrid plants.
1. The shortly 5-lobed Calyx. 2. The 8-aiignlar Ovarium spread open to show the
8 angles; termmated by the Style, and the purple capitate Stigma, that is slightly and
irregularly lobulate.