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SA L V IA fulgens.
Glittering-flowered Sage.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. L A B IA TÆ . Brown p rodr. 1. p . 499.
Tribus V . N e p e t b æ . Bentham in Botanical Register.
SA L VIA. Calyx subcampanulatus, bilabiatus : labio superiore 2-3-
dentato subinde integro ; inferiore bifido. Corolla ringens. Fiiamenta duo
fertilia bifida, lobo altero adscendente antherà dimidiat'd, altero sterili.—
Folia rugosa. Flores verticillato-racemosi.
S. fulgens, foliis cordato-ovatis crenatis subtus incanis, verticillis 6-8-fioris,
bracteis ovatis longe acuminatis, calycibus trifidis, corollarum galea
Salvia fulgens. C a v a n .i c o n .\ .p .lò .t .2 3 . Vahl enum. 1. p . 2,37. Willden.
spec. p l . ï . p . l iO . P el's.syn. 1. p . 27. K th . synops. v . 2. p . 79. Roem. et
Schult. syst. 1. p . 231. Spreng. syst. \ . p . 61. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2.
p .A l l .
Salvia cardinalis. Humb. et Bonpl. nov. gen. et oequ. 2. p . 3 0 1 .1.152.
Stem suffrutescent at the base, when grown strong, attaining the height
of three or four feet, or probably more, much branched: branches erect,
or somewhat spreading, bluntly four-sided ; when grown in rich soil nearly
as thick as the little finger, but with common treatment, scarcely thicker
than a goose q u ill; thickly clothed with white hairs, that are more or less
bent at the points, and are crowded in a close mass. Lxaves opposite,
cordately ovate, regularly crenated with numerous rounded shallow notches
at the edges, rugose, hairy on both sides, and clothed with a white hoary
woolliness underneath, from an inch and half to three inches in length,
feather-nerved, and reticulately veined, the margins frequently tinged
with purple: lower ones generally bluntish; the upper ones acute, and
gradually tapering to the point. Petioles about the length of the leaves,
or sometimes rather longer, when the plant is of free growth; or shorter
when more stunted, villosely hairy. Racemes from a span to a foot in
length, according to the strength of the plant, before fiowering, each
whorl is surrounded by two large ovate, taper-pointed bractes, those are
deciduous, and drop off as soon as the flowers expand : whorls generally
6-flowered, or sometimes 8-flowered on the lower part of the raceme,
continuing 6-flowered nearly all the way up ; stem of the raceme generally
more or less tinged with purple, as are the peduncles and calyx. Peduncles
short, generally in threes, nearly equal in length, or the middle one
rather longest. Calyx campanulate, two-lipped, strongly ribbed with numerous
prominent nerves, densely clothed with short hairs : upper lip entire,
ovate, appearing acute when folded up, but in reality obtuse when