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P O T E N T IL L A Hopwoodiàua.
Hopwood's hybrid Citiqiiefoil.
Linnean Class and Order. IC O S A N D R IA P O L Y G Y N IA .
N a tu ra l Order. RO SA C EÆ . D C . prodr. 2. p . 52o.
Subordo I I . P o T E N T l L L i E . Calyx 5-ñdus (ranùs 4-fidus a«* pl“" '
divisus), per æstivationem valvatus, sæpè extùs bracteolas “ '
teriores lobis alteraos gerens. P étala tot quot calycis e alterna.
Stamina plura, rariùs 5 et tunc lobis calycis opposita, apice tub
calycini expansi inserta. Carpella numerosa, rariùs panca congesta toro
inserta, inter se et à calyce libera, et latere prope apicem styhtera. StyU
introrsùm sulco-notati in stigma obliquum expansi. Akenia
ninò libera, exsucca aut baccata. Semen solitarium erectum
exalbuminosum. Embryo rectus, cotyledonibus p lam u s cu lis.-Ilerbæ ani
frútices; foliis s«piùs cowiposiíis; stipulis 2 f a í e r a / i í e r p e í i o / o adreaíis. OC.
P O T E N T I L L A . Calyx tubus concavus, limbus 4-5-fidus extus 4-5-
bracteolatus. P étala 4-6. »am¿»a numerosa. C a r p e / t e plura stylo laterali
donata, in receptáculo procumbente persistente exsucco capitato Semen
appressum.— Herbæ aut suftVutices/o/üs compositis; stipuhs peíio/o adn
atis; floribus albis luteis rariter rubris. DC. 1. c. p .5 7 1 .
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P . Hopwoodiana, foliis sexenatis quinatisque ; superioribus ^("a'tis.
olri oblongo-cuneiformibus grosse dentatis utnnque h'rsutis lacin s
calycinis ovatis acuminatis, petalis obcordatis valde imbricatis, caule
adscendente villoso-pilosa.
PerewmA/, herbaceous: branching from the root; branches
from 9 to 18 inches in length, more or less tinged with purple,
densely clothed with long white villous hairs; branching
at the ends. Leaves digitate, producing from 5 to b leatlets,
those from the root generally producing 6, and the lower
part of the stem 5, on the upper part only 3 ; leaflets oblongly
wedge-shaped, bluntish, or scarcely acute, deeply toothed
with numerous large broad teeth, very hairy on both sides,
feather-nerved underneath, the nerves and veins villosely
hairy. Petioles on the root leaves long, purple on the upper
side and paler underneath, slightly furrowed on the upper
side thickly clothed with long villous hairs. large,
ovate, acute, attached to the base of the petioles, villous.
Flowers numerous, very elegant, produced m a spreading
panicle: Flowering-branches and peduncles purple, villosely
hairy ; the leaves amongst the flowers simple, with the two
large bractes attached to their base, which gives an appearance
of being ternate. Pei/ii«cfc slender, cylindrical. Bractes
5, somewhat similar to the segments of the calyx, spreading
V O L . 1. 8.